Jade Walker

Jade Walker is a character from Defenders of the Earth fan fiction. A reserved, ambitious loner, she is a former federal agent, and the birth mother of Jedda and Rachel Walker.

In Dynasties, it is revealed that her career began several years before the Defenders were formed. Amid her exploits, she met and teamed with the masked vigilante called Phantom, whom she would later marry. Their daughter, Jedda, was born soon afterward. During this period, Jade also befriended space adventurer Dale Gordon.

Growing displeased with her agency, Jade began selling government secrets to enemies, and was arrested for treason. While incarcerated, she had her second daughter, Rachel, who was conceived during an earlier affair. After proving that the Phantom was not the father, Jade requested that he not be informed of Rachel's birth, and asked Dale to monitor the girl periodically in the foster system.

Upon being released years later, Jade reunited with her grown daughters, who learned that she was once again involved in shady activities, and expressed their disapproval. However, Jade displayed occasional potential for heroism, and attempted to make peace with the members of her family.

She and Hadea, Jedda's foster mother, generally resent the other's presence in Jedda's life, but reach an accord on occasion.

Art by Plustina

Related: Walker Family


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