Necklace of Oros

The Necklace of Oros is a supernatural artefact in Defenders of the Earth storytelling. It was introduced in the TV episode "The Necklace of Oros," and has been featured in several works of fan-created fiction, typically in stories concerning major changes within a dimension. Described as a near-omnipotent tool, the Necklace grants almost any wish to a bearer who has linked their mind to it. Most bearers who succeed in bonding with the artefact possess some form of mystical ability beforehand.

In numerous tales, Hadea has used the Necklace to alter the appearances of entire worlds. Jedda Walker has used it to teleport herself or others to different planets. Though it is apparent that the Necklace cannot kill anyone instantly, it can place someone in peril via teleportation, and it can exert a telekinetic strain onto a target. The artefact can also be employed to change environments for the better, as demonstrated on planet Mongo.

Art by Neldorwen


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