

Zyna is a character introduced in Defenders of the Earth fan fiction. In Dynasties, she is revealed to be a former queen of planet Mongo.

As a young woman, a passionate Zyna encouraged her lover, Prince Ming, to pursue his plans for revolution, seeing an opportunity to rule at his side. She married Ming after their coup succeeded, later giving birth to three children — Princess Aura, Princess Castra, and Prince Krotan

Shortly before Krotan was born, Ming captured a pregnant Dale Gordon — one of his greatest enemies — and attempted to use her as bait for her husband Flash. Dale's captivity led to her and Zyna bearing sons together, prompting them to set their differences aside and become friends. 

Zyna helped Dale to escape Mongo. A few years later, she fled from Ming herself amid a falling out. Feeling that she could only raise one child while hiding, she chose her younger daughter, Princess Castra. As a result, Aura grew up resentful toward the absent queen, while Krotan fell under Ming's influence. Castra, growing sympathetic toward the commoners, separated from her mother and joined a rebellion against Ming.

Zyna resurfaced after all of her children were grown, finding them embroiled in new political matters. Missing her position of power, she attempted to aid a deposed Ming in regaining the throne, but was betrayed and cast aside. She later contacted Dale's son Rick, helping him to revive a deceased Dale, which led to a reunion with her friend.

Art by Ed Moffatt

Related: Royals of Mongo


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