









Atascadero, nicknamed "Ata," is a character introduced in Defenders of the Earth, developed further in fan fiction.

In DoE, she is a sassy and level-headed archaeologist who happens to be an old acquaintance and romantic interest of Mandrake's. At the conclusion of their expedition in "The Lost Jewels of Tibet," she invites Mandrake to team with her on additional journeys, but he declines while citing a commitment to his current duties with the Defenders of the Earth.

For many years, Atascadero remained a largely mysterious figure among fans. Very little of her background was explored. In its final volumes, the tale Dynasties offered a take on her history by presenting her as one of three royal children, from a kingdom called Eternis, who were tasked with thriving elsewhere for a number of years during their youths, in order to determine the worthiest successor to the throne. Once the trial ended, Atascadero chose to remain abroad, having fallen in love with adventure. She met Mandrake at some point afterward.

Following the events of "The Lost Jewels of Tibet," she eventually returned to Central City and became a part-time member of the DoE, befriending fellow wanderer Kristina Graf.

Ata is written primarily as a successful treasure hunter who is hired by the wealthy to obtain lost artefacts. Her exploits have made her proficient with a variety of weapons and exploration tools. Other adventurers, such as Rachel Walker, tend to express admiration for her accomplishments.

Art by Neldorwen


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