Defenders of the Earth
Defenders of the Earth is an animated series that follows the heroic adventures of comic-book characters Flash Gordon, the Phantom, Mandrake the Magician, and Lothar. The series introduces Flash's son Rick, Lothar's son LJ, Phantom's daughter Jedda, and Mandrake's ward Kshin. Among the antagonists are Ming the Merciless of planet Mongo, Ming's son Prince Krotan, and a supernatural queen named Hadea from a hidden area on Earth.
On the surface, DoE is your typical kids' series. However, it contains issues that become more interesting when viewed from an older perspective, including the pride and loneliness of Queen Hadea, the forbidden feelings between Jedda and Krotan, and Jedda's growing resistance toward a predetermined role in life, among other matters. As a result, several fans have created their own stories based on the show, typically called fan fiction, along with new characters.
DoE Database
Home of Articles and Fan Fiction
This database contains info on numerous creations, many of which take place in different dimensions, each with a character who might have a twin or two in another realm. In the cases of extreme differences between some characters with the same name, separate articles are used.
DoE Database also features remastered editions of several completed fanfics. Serials include full story guides, so don't be deterred by their lengths at first glance.
Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Story
Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Side Story
The Story Begins — Original Pilot
DoE on Fanfiction.net
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