
Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Story

By Marzena

Plot: Season 1, Episode 4

Chapter 1: Death

The heavy clouds high up in the sky were almost as gray as April Gordon's mood. Clinging desperately to the umbrella she held in her hands, she didn't bother to wipe the tears off her face. Pale, frightened, alone, that was how she looked and felt. And for the first time in years, she wanted to be held close by someone. Preferably her mother who would tell her that everything that had happened was nothing but a bad nightmare.

A nightmare, indeed. One in which her mother could never appear because her mother was dead. And the big dark gaping hole in the wet ground right in front of her was the grave where her mother's lifeless body would soon find peace.

Her brother was standing next to her, her father right behind her. All of her grandparents surrounded them, as well as her aunt, and her father's friends with their kids. Some of her parents' co-workers had come as well, and some former friends and classmates of her mother stood together closely. Merciless, the rain poured down on all of them.

Everything went by in a blur, and April just stood there, watching. She didn't feel involved and she didn't want to feel involved. She didn't want to think about it, to cope with it, to come to terms with it. As long as she just stood there, watching, more like a viewer than a participant, maybe she'd really wake up and everything would turn out to be a bloody nightmare.

Let's skip the expedition, Flash. It's the holidays. Let's spend some time together, the four of us. We haven't done that for ages.

She could hear her mum's voice as clear as if it only had been yesterday. She saw her mum standing at the kitchen sink, a dirty plate in her hand, a towel in the other hand. Her mum had been smiling, and so had her dad.

No! That was her own voice, pleading, whiny, annoying. Please, Mum, Dad, you promised! You said we'd all go, you said I can fly the ship!

A knowing smile between her parents, a hug from her mother, an amused glance passing between her mum and dad. Oh, she could see this as if it were happening right now.

Does it really have to be this holidays, April?

Yes! Yes, Mum, it does! And it's just an expedition! It isn't going to be dangerous at all! It will be our special family holiday, right out there in space!

A holiday it had been, all right. A holiday straight from hell. Captured by Ming the Merciless, emperor of the dying planet Mongo and her father's archnemesis. Long and dreadful hours of imprisonment, short moments of hope, always trying to find a way to escape. A bloody nightmare. A holiday four people went to and only three of them had come back from.

It was all her fault. If they'd gone on a normal family holiday, like any other ordinary family would have done, her mum would still be alive. Dale Arden Gordon wouldn't be lying in a coffin, her body cold and lifeless. Instead, they'd be at home, their own home, having lunch together. Or doing whatever. Anything else, just not ... this.

Standing there like a statue in the rain, she watched as the coffin was lowered down into the deep dark hole, and she could hear Rick sobbing beside her. Part of her wanted to reach out, to comfort him, to tell him everything would be okay. But she couldn't. She couldn't do anything expect standing there, watching, feeling lost, sad, guilty.

She didn't hear the words that were spoken, and she didn't care either way. Her mother was dead. No words, no matter how well-meant they were, could ever bring her back or help April feeling better.


Looking up, she realized everyone was looking at her. Oh, right. It was her time to go up to the grave. Rick was already standing here, looking down into the hole, tears all over his face. Feeling her father's strong hands on her shoulders, she went over to stand next to her brother, but she did it mechanically, like a puppet whose strings were being pulled.

"I love you, Mum," she heard Rick whisper. "I love you so much. I need you. I will never forget you. We'll get Ming for what he did to you."

Then you should get me, too, she wanted to tell him. I'm the one who kept begging to go up to space. I'm the one to blame. If it hadn't been for me …

"April, honey, if you want to say something ..."

Her father barely held it together. His voice, usually so strong and full of energy, sounded tired, hoarse and weak. She glanced up at him, but his blue eyes were fixated on the hole in the ground where his dead wife was about to be buried. He, too, was in tears. She felt horrible for not crying.

Aunt Tracy walked over and embraced her brother, and April left them, turned her back on the grave and went to stand next to Rick again. Looking up, he slowly shook his head.

"Our mum just died, April. Aren't you sad? Aren't you angry? Why are you not crying?"

She ignored him and kept staring at the grave. The rain was still pouring down, and with a swift motion, she shifted the umbrella, allowing herself to be exposed to the rain for a short moment. When Rick looked at her again, her face was wet, and he seemed to be satisfied.

Her dad and Tracy were joining them now, and Tracy tried a weak smile.

"We'll be home shortly, you two. Just a little longer."

A little longer, yes. And then, maybe, in the solitude of her own room, she'd finally be able to cry, to let it all out, to come to terms with her own guilt. A little while longer until she could cry. A lifetime until she wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore.






1: Death

April and the other Gordons face a tragedy.

2: Beautiful

Mandrake is reunited with a romantic interest.

3: Peace and Quiet

Flash is thrown into an unexpected struggle.

4: Nightfall

Sheila and Flash continue to bond. 

5: Advice

Rick and Sheila have a personal discussion.

6: Traitor

A secret is revealed.

7: Protection 

Sheila faces a number of repercussions. 

8: The Prodigal Daughter 

A girl arrives at the mansion to meet Mandrake.

9: Powers 

Amy begins bonding with Kshin.

10: Dreamwalk

Amy's abilities are needed amid a crisis.

11: Love/Hate 

Flash and Sheila confront their issues.

12: Death of a Princess 

Sheila and Krotan reunite.

13: Execution 

A royal edict leads to a huge showdown.  

14: Reflection

Phantom and Hadea have an intimate conversation.

15: Merry Christmas

The royals try adjusting to their new arrangements.

16: Forbidden Feelings 

A captive Jedda grapples with feelings for Krotan.

17: Bridal Jitters 

Krotan plans to marry the reluctant Jedda.

18: Same Old, Same Old 

Krotan and Jedda come across one another again.

19: Narrow Escape

The Defenders struggle to escape dire elements amid a mission.


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