
DOE Retold

By James

This tale is intended for teen and adult audiences

Episode 59 — The Golden Queen

Rick tried to process what he'd just been told: he wasn't even worthy of looking at her. That was how superior Hadea was.

He knelt quietly at the woman's throne, the Phantom and LJ on their knees at his right. Each of them were naked with their eyes cast down. A pair of hard shackles held his legs in a bind. His wrists were fastened behind his back. The unmasked Phantom was in chains as well, as was LJ, farther away.

There was a fourth member of their crew — someone whose life was in danger now — but Rick couldn't find her anywhere he looked. He hadn't seen Jedda since they'd lost the battle, back when Hadea's troops ambushed them. That had been at least six hours ago, up on the surface in Africa.

Now they'd been brought to a secret land, an unbelievable kingdom below.

But Rick was too furious to be impressed, he was too worried about his friend. Jedda was supposed to be healing now — healing from an accident he'd caused.

Hadea had soundly interrupted that. She'd screwed things up by dragging them down here.

After their lengthy trip had ended, he'd yelled in rage as his clothes were stripped, demanding to be reunited with Jedda.

A blow from a guard had brought Rick to his knees. The Phantom and LJ were forced to theirs.

So here they were, bowing down to Hadea. She seemed indifferent to their concerns.

Rick was pretty sure he'd turned red with rage. He drew his gaze to Hadea's feet, smooth and slender on the marble floor. She crossed her heels right in front of his face, flexing her toes quite casually. Was that little gesture meant just for him? A way of relaying the power she held? Arrogant witch, he angrily thought.

Back on the surface, Hadea had told them that she was a queen. Rick was uncertain of that at first, but there was no doubt in his mind anymore. The Netherworld was incredible, a sprawling kingdom of ivory stone, not unlike ancient lands above. How had this place remained hidden so long — and did it pose a threat to the world up there?

After the battle in the Bandar's village, Hadea had taken Jedda's Necklace of Oros, the strongest weapon in the galaxy. That was the reason she'd tracked the team, at least according to what she'd said.

So why had she taken them prisoner too? Why hadn't she just claimed the necklace and left?

Rick heard the sound of a chain in motion. He looked toward the ceiling, then froze in shock.

Jedda was lowered by her tethered wrists, nude and unconscious, her ankles bound.

The Phantom glanced up, then turned away, a look of pure anger washing over him. Rick's heart melted as he watched the man. The Phantom clearly wanted to check on Jedda, but obviously couldn't look at her in this state.

So Rick decided that he would instead. It was his job to see that she was okay.

Licking his lips, and taking a breath, he let his gaze linger on her naked body — her luscious breasts, her pink nipples, her powerful thighs and the space between. He was eyeing her for the Phantom's sake, not because he'd dreamed of this for so long. While making that claim, again and again, he noticed an excitement in his lower regions — then forced his gaze away from the girl.

He looked at the golden-haired queen again, despite the fact that he'd been told not to. He was too shaken to follow her rule.

There was no denying this woman's allure. He tried to ignore it, but found that he couldn't. Her chest was larger than Jedda's own, her elegant dress showing much of her skin.

Then he took notice of what she was doing. She had a few fingers resting on her cheek, her other hand fiddling with Jedda's toes — as though she was looking to amuse herself, as though Jedda Walker was a mere plaything.

A flutter of rage welled up in Rick. Hadea's appeal was irrelevant now.

The queen looked over at one of her guards, a pointy-eared trooper in a brown singlet. "Now," she said.

The trooper immediately shot LJ, a pink laser beam eating into his back. LJ collapsed on the marble floor, blood pouring out of his pulsing wound.

Rick jerked in horror. The Phantom did too.

"No!" Rick shouted.

A mystical glow covered LJ's body. Rick looked over at the queen once more. Hadea had a hand tucked under her chin, her other one raised and sparkling now; it bore the same shine that LJ did.

Seconds later, LJ twitched. The glow disappeared, and he rose to his knees. "What happened?" he mumbled.

Still terrified, Rick looked him over. There was no sign of the wound anymore. He turned his gaze to the queen again. It seemed she'd healed his friend somehow.

"It's very simple," Hadea said, looking directly at the Phantom's face. "Give me your word that you'll be my king — that you and I shall marry one another today — and I will save your daughter's life."

The Phantom stood, showing no hesitation. "You have my word."

Rick was too smitten to speak right now. He wanted so much to interfere in this, to save the Phantom from this fate before him. But Rick wanted Jedda to live as well. He didn't know how else they'd make that happen.

Hadea's hand glowed. Jedda did too. Within a few moments, the girl began to stir as she moaned a bit.

Rick shook in excitement. She was all right. She hadn't woken fully, but she was okay.

Hadea eyed a couple of women nearby, women like her, who resembled humans — Netherworlders, he'd heard them called. The ladies were decked out in elegant gowns. The queen leaned back as she spoke to them, resting her arms on those of her throne. "Take my stepdaughter to my chambers."

Rick had to scowl at the stepdaughter part.

The women freed Jedda from the grip of her chains, then carefully carted her out of the room.

"What of my friends?" the Phantom asked, glancing backward at LJ and Rick.

Hadea rose. "They will be placed in other countries today."

Rick was shocked. Other countries?

The Phantom hesitated. "What do you mean?"

"The Netherworld, like the surface above, is divided into various areas, all of which are overseen by me. Your friends will have homes, spouses, and jobs. Both of them will live in service to their lands." Hadea touched her side while looking down at Rick. "The Netherworld is their world now. They will not see sunlight, or us, again."

Rick trembled. His jaw was sagging. This couldn't be the way his life would play out. According to what this woman had said, he'd never see the Walkers or his dad again. And she had the power to make that happen.

She folded her arms while eyeing LJ and Rick. "Kiss my feet, my loyal servants."

Rick stewed. He wouldn't do that. Within a few seconds, he saw an armed guard walking up to him, who didn't look pleased that he'd defied the queen. Rick lowered his face and did as he'd been told, kissing her feet respectfully. He soon shifted focus to one of them, and judging by the sound he heard on his right, LJ was doing the very same.

"Your queen is content," Hadea said. "Hold this pose until I say you can rise."

Rick was seething. Hadea's skin was soft and smooth, yet he was angered while feeling it. He'd never imagined, in all of his dreams, that touching a woman would affect him thus.

"Rise," she said.

He and LJ did, moving back to their knees. They had to find a way out of here. No way was he going to be stuck in this place. Apart from that, he couldn't let the Phantom honor his deal. After all, had Hadea left them alone above, Jedda would have healed eventually.

Hadea eyed her guards. "See that these humans are nourished now, then prepare both of them for their journeys." She linked an arm around one of the Phantom's. "Come, my betrothed. It is time for our wedding." She led him away amid several guards.

The Phantom glanced boldly at LJ and Rick.

Standing up, Rick eyed him bravely, then gave him a wink. He and LJ exchanged nods as well. No words were needed as they faced each other. Rick knew that they all had the same thought. We'll find a way out, Rick vowed to himself. We will.

Seconds afterward, the sound of a door caught Rick's attention, followed by the thuds of robotic legs.

Hadea spun around, looking appalled.

Turning himself, he saw the last person he'd expected to see. It was Ming the Merciless.

Scene Commentary

In DOE Retold, the goal is to find and explore some of the most fascinating concepts and possibilities presented in Defenders of the Earth. That was also the aim of an unrelated tale called Dynasties. The difference is that Retold is not a continuation, so it has to follow the events of the show (with a few tweaks), which is an intriguing challenge.

He knelt quietly at the woman's throne, the Phantom and LJ on their knees at his right.

Hadea is a complicated character who's fun to examine. The show lays some interesting groundwork for her. Rather than being presented as a cruel tyrant with a love for power, Hadea is a hard-working monarch who wants a family. By making her motivations personal, the writers made her more layered than the average antagonist. Naturally, the queen is revealed to be a very proud woman, given her obvious success and allure. When writing Hadea, sometimes the goal is to find a balance between her snobby nature and her compassionate side. But on other occasions, she's just a full-on snob. This was obviously an example of the latter.

He was eyeing her for the Phantom's sake, not because he'd dreamed of this for so long.

A raw look at Rick's secret feelings.

Turning himself, he saw the last person he'd expected to see. It was Ming the Merciless.

I wanted to wrap things up in much the same fashion as the episode concluded, with Ming arriving. It's just a reminder that this is based on the original story. A lot of things are going to be the same, but some elements are going to be different as well.





1: The Golden Queen

Four of the Defenders are captured by Queen Hadea.

2: Flesh and Blood 

Flash and Lothar discuss Flash's new romantic interest.

3: The Prince Weds 

Held prisoner on Mongo, Jedda makes a bargain with Zorelda, believing that they can change the world for the better.

4: Lothar's Homecoming

LJ discusses his relationship with his father.

5: The Golden Age

Hadea intends to make radical changes with the Necklace of Oros.

6: The Future Comes But Once

Jedda reveals the details of a recent vision.

7: The Prince Dethroned

Castra frees her brother and encourages him to change his ways.


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