
DOE Retold

By James

Episode 48 — The Prince Weds

Jedda lay still on her side of the bed, an arm draped over her naked chest. Krotan slept soundly in the spot on her right, as he always did after they'd made love. It never took him long to fall into slumber, but it took her about an hour or two. Her mind was filled with anxiety. This was her third straight night on Mongo, the planet where she'd live for the rest of her life.

As Jedda had always suspected would happen, Krotan had finally claimed her hand, forcing her to be here with him.

The lovemaking, though — that wasn't forced. And Jedda never regretted it.

She'd eyed the ceiling for the past two nights, trying to figure out why that was.

Krotan was brash and power-hungry, traits that he'd clearly gotten from Ming. Yet Jedda had found decency in him; he showed her signs of a gentler side. He always made sure she was tended to, saw that she had everything she needed, and even went easy on the servants at times.

Jedda had always been drawn to him. Those feelings had strengthened in recent days. Part of her wanted to embrace their bond. Another part of her thought better of it.

A strange glow appeared right in front of the bed, a cloud of light cutting through the dark.

Jedda tensed, sitting up.

An older woman stepped forth from the cloud, which quickly faded behind her back. She wore a brown robe, topped by a hood, thin white hair running down her cheeks. "Meet me in the throne room," she said with a smirk. The woman disappeared in another burst.

Jedda froze. Her heart was pounding. Who, exactly, was that woman?

She turned to Krotan, who'd stayed asleep. She shook him a bit. He quietly groaned.

The light came again. The woman emerged. "Meet me in the throne room," she repeated, looking a little more serious. It hadn't been a minute since she'd first shown up. She'd probably known Jedda would hesitate. Now she was back, speaking again, encouraging Jedda to make the trip. "I promise, I'm not going to hurt you, dear." She disappeared.

Jedda breathed deeply, eyeing the wall. It was pretty clear that if she didn't comply, the woman would only return again.

She pulled the covers away from her waist.

Moments later, Jedda was standing near Mongo's thrones. She was so stunned by what was occurring that she barely realized she'd forgotten to dress.

The woman appeared as she had before, standing several yards across from her. "I am Zorelda, former queen. And I know exactly who you are, sweet. You will be queen four days from now."

Jedda shook. This woman was queen? When, exactly?

Zorelda smirked. "You feel it, don't you? That wave of excitement. You wonder if you can change this world." She took a step forth. "You can, dear. And I can help."

Jedda wasn't sure what to make of that. She saw something sinister within that smirk. "How?" she asked, playing along.

"What's the first thing that you'd like to change?"

Jedda didn't even have to think about it. "The ice robots," she said quietly. Every time the people went anywhere — markets, towns, or villages — they saw armed robots patrolling the streets, Ming's reminder of the power he held. But Ming was gone, no longer in charge. Time for those robots to go as well.

"Perhaps you should see that those machines are removed."

Jedda frowned. "Only Krotan can. He's the ruler."

Zorelda grinned. "Are you certain of that?"

Jedda squinted. What did that mean?

The glow appeared. "We'll meet again." Zorelda faded in a burst of light.

When morning broke, Jedda eased her legs onto Krotan's lap, Krotan administering his normal massage. "I was wondering..." she said casually. "Are the robots out there capable of digging, capable of mining, and things like that?"

"Yes," he said, looking curious.

She smiled a tad. "You said you'd do 'anything' for me."

"And I shall," he earnestly added.

She made a shy face. "Then I'd like more diamonds. I'd like more gold." She paused a moment. "Will you dedicate some sentries to finding that?"

"Of course," he stressed.

"How many?" she muttered.

Krotan hesitated, mulling it over. "All of them," he finally announced, clearly looking to impress her now. "You deserve all the treasure that we can find. I shall assign every sentry in the world."

Jedda sensed that she'd begun to blush. Krotan's zeal was dangerous at times, but it also had its advantages. His passion for her would bring relief to millions. She imagined how pleased the people would be when they walked around without fear of being blasted.

"One other thing," Jedda said. "The Immigrant Law. I think we should change it."

"The what?" he muttered.

"The Immigrant Law?"

Krotan chuckled. "And what is that?"

Jedda was stunned. He didn't know? How could he not? He was the prince.

Maybe she shouldn't have been surprised. From what she could tell, for most of his life, Krotan had focused on his own pleasure, largely ignoring the people's plight. Did he even know what he was getting into? Was Krotan ready to be a leader?

She cleared her throat. "It's that law that—"

The ring of a phone interrupted her.

Krotan studied it. "Sorry, beloved. I have to take this." He stood and walked across the room.

While Krotan read messages in private, Jedda called a camera crew to their home.

She greeted the group in a beautiful dress, then ushered them into a quiet room. Once the camera was set to record, she took a deep breath and touched her temple. Zorelda, can you hear me? she asked.

Yes, she replied. Your telepathy is strong.

Everything is ready. We're on the fourth floor. Seconds later, she felt a strong presence outside of the room, and knew that Zorelda had teleported there.

The chamber door opened, and Zorelda walked in, magically disguised as Prince Krotan.

All of the crew members bowed their heads, clearly misled by the sight before them.

Once the live broadcast had begun, Zorelda made a worldwide announcement. "I, Prince Krotan, leader of Mongo, hereby eliminate the Immigrant Law."

In addition to Mongo's native people, the planet was home to many immigrants. Due to the Immigrant Law, however, only the natives were allowed to govern. Immigrants couldn't hold offices, regardless of whether they were qualified.

Krotan didn't even know of this law, or hadn't paid much attention to it. That was pretty clear when Jedda brought it up. When she'd tried discussing the matter more, he'd been too busy to hear her out.

So Jedda had decided that she'd talked enough. The time had arrived for action instead.

Zorelda finished speaking, then left the temple. According to her, she couldn't maintain disguises long.

When night arrived, Jedda stepped into the throne room again, easing down on her seat unclothed.

Zorelda spoke. "This is going better than I thought it would." She reached around from behind the chair, gripping one of Jedda's breasts gently. "Krotan merely thinks he governs. You and I are Mongo's rulers."

Jedda let her arms linger on the throne's, holding her gaze on the distant wall. She still wasn't sure that she could trust this woman, who was probably sporting her signature smirk. All she knew was that she liked the changes they'd made so far.

"Good night, dear," Zorelda said, giving Jedda a peck on the cheek.

Jedda heard the burst. Zorelda was gone.

When morning arrived, Jedda was appalled by what she'd learned. Krotan had created a brand new law. Any people who chastised him would be dragged away to a barren land, where they would engage in difficult labor.

Jedda could try to neutralize this law, but Krotan would surely make another one like it. She had little doubt about that right now. Every time she took Mongo one step forward, Krotan would only take it two steps back.

The glow appeared. Zorelda arrived. "Jedda," she uttered, grinning again. "Krotan holds a small container, one that carries Ming's molecules."

Jedda thought a moment. She believed that she'd seen it.

"I need you to retrieve that bottle for me."

Jedda squirmed. She'd suspected that Zorelda had a secret motive. This one, however, was kind of strange. What did she want those molecules for? Why couldn't she just take them herself? Could she be trusted with what she wanted? "I... I don't know where they are."

"Krtoan has them."

Jedda sighed. "Then you'll have to go and get them from him." She wasn't sure why, but she sensed that she shouldn't help out with this.

Zorelda's smile shrank, replaced with a glare.

Jedda braced to defend herself. Would this be the point when Zorelda lashed out?

The woman chuckled. "Don't worry," she said. "If I were to hurt you, Krotan would know. Then I'd never get what I need from him." Zorelda stepped back as the glow appeared. "Farewell, my sweet. I do wish we'd had a longer partnership." Zorelda vanished, once again.

Jedda paused to consider that word. This hadn't been an actual partnership. Zorelda was manipulating her, softening her up to get what she desired.

For just a moment late last night, Jedda had considered what she'd seemingly gained: a motherly figure, a loving husband, a beautiful kingdom and a home of her own. Now reality was sinking in, and she realized she didn't have any of that.

She couldn't be with Krotan until he changed, but she didn't know when that day would come.

All Jedda knew for sure right now was that the Defenders would come for her, and she was going to go home with them.

Scene Commentary

Zorelda smirked. "You feel it, don't you? That wave of excitement. You wonder if you can change this world." She took a step forth. "You can, dear. And I can help."

I love the idea of the imperial palace being this big house of conspiracies. You've got a mad tyrant, a bad-boy prince, a rebel princess, and a scheming witch. Throw the noble, conflicted Jedda in the mix, and things get even more interesting.

The Jedda/Zorelda partnership is a simple concept that's found in stories like The Iliad: women behind patriarchs working to sway things to their liking. Part of me wanted to devote more time to this Mongo saga.






1: The Golden Queen

Four of the Defenders are captured by Queen Hadea.

2: Flesh and Blood 

Flash and Lothar discuss Flash's new romantic interest.

3: The Prince Weds 

Held prisoner on Mongo, Jedda makes a bargain with Zorelda, believing that they can change the world for the better.

4: Lothar's Homecoming

LJ's discusses his relationship with his father.

5: The Golden Age

Hadea intends to make radical changes with the Necklace of Oros.

6: The Future Comes But Once

Jedda reveals the details of a recent vision.

7: The Prince Dethroned

Castra frees her brother and encourages him to change his ways.


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