

By Rosehill

Chapter 1

Jedda Walker came home late that evening. She sat in a corner of a room and watched Zuffi playing for a moment. Then she got up and went to the rooftop silently.

The sun was setting. The sky was red, purple and orange, and it was a beautiful sight. Jedda couldn't help thinking of the sunsets in Bengala and it was comforting because…

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

She jumped and turned around, but it was only Rick, who was frowning at her.

"Watching the sunset!" she said.

"On the rooftop?"

"I just wanted some time alone."

He laughed. "You know you've been acting really weird these days?" he asked. "Always wanting some time alone. What's the matter?"

She sighed. After all, it was his problem too. He had the right to know.

"Remember the fun we had in New York last month?" she asked.

Rick blushed and said:

"Do you wish we didn't? It was just a one-night-stand, you know, and I thought you were enjoying…"

"I'm pregnant."

Rick stared stupidly, opened his mouth a couple of times, scratched his head and finally said:

"Are you sure?"

"I took a test today. It's positive. Two weeks and a half pregnant."

"But… the condom…"

"Condoms aren't 100% reliable. I'm sorry, Rick. I'm pregnant with your cells!"

Rick tried hard to find something to say. Congratulations were out of the question as this pregnancy hadn't been planned. Apologizes were not the best thing to say as that intercourse had been perfectly consensual. Eventually, he stretched his arms out and hugged her awkwardly. She hugged him back.

"What do you want to do?" he asked.

"Interrupting my pregnancy, I guess."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! I can't have a kid at 17. I know it's not family tradition but it's too early for me."

"Family tradition?" Rick asked, dumbfounded.

"Well, all Phantoms have to reproduce early to be able to see their kids grow up and teach them everything they know. My father was 18 when I was born. It's sort of traditional."

Rick laughed nervously. "You know, there's a huge difference between your dad and you," he said. "You have a womb, he doesn't! Technically, he didn't have to give up too many things after your conception!"

"So, you're on my side?" Jedda asked.

"Do whatever you want. I'll try to help. But maybe you'd better think a lot before: I heard about women who became depressive after an abortion."

"I'll gather information, then,"Jedda said thoughtfully. "Thanks."






Jedda relays startling news to Rick.


Seeking information, Jedda visits a hospital, and has a more jarring experience than expected.


Jedda returns to her homeland.


The finale, set several years later.




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