

By Rosehill

Chapter 4

Six Years Later

Jedda was lying in a hospital bed. She was feeling exhausted and dizzy. A knock at her door made her flinch. She said something and her father appeared.

"I came as fast as I could!" he said.

"Thanks! But you didn't need to worry. Everything went perfectly."

"And the baby?"

"They're all right."

Jedda gestured at a cradle just next to her. The Phantom moved closer and asked:


"Twins!" she laughed. "One boy, one girl. Both perfectly healthy. Surprising?"

"Not too surprising. It happened before in our family. How do you feel?"


Jedda sat up and had a closer look at the twins. Now they were deeply asleep. She already loved them so much! She was really exhausted, but also really happy.

"I know I shouldn't ask you this question," her father said, "but are you really going to be OK? 23 is still a bit young for raising a family."

"Father," she said, "I'm fine! I want to have kids now. I'm ready!"

"And you're going to be a wonderful mother, I know it."

Jedda laughed.

"Father, please, I'm very tired now," she said. "Can I please have some time alone?"

The Phantom bent down and put a kiss onto both twins' foreheads. Then he held his daughter's hand for a few seconds and left the room silently.

The End






Jedda relays startling news to Rick.


Seeking information, Jedda visits a hospital, and has a more jarring experience than expected.


Jedda returns to her homeland.


The finale, set several years later.  



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