Royals of the Netherworld

Art by Plustina

The Royal Family of the Netherworld is a clan of aristocratic nobles who govern a secret kingdom beneath the Earth's surface, known as the Netherworld. In some stories, the leaders also oversee adjacent areas. The first royal introduced was Hadea, who debuted in the TV series, during which she made two of the Walkers part of her family. Other members, such as Celena, have been added in fan-created works.

The nobles are typically characterized as flamboyant, bold, and proud, sometimes to a fault. It is believed that they are ranked as follows:

Empress/Emperor -- Ruler(s) of multiple lands

Queen/King -- Ruler(s) of a single land

Princess/Prince -- The child or children of rulers

A noble who no longer leads will have the designation "Crown" prior to their title. For example, a retired queen is known as Crown Queen, but a queen who has ascended in rank is known as Empress. A royal sibling who does not ascend in rank will retain the title of Prince or Princess.

Supposedly, the kingdom's natives were pointy-eared humanoid beings, seen in the TV series, who mated with humans and birthed a race known as Netherworlders -- people who resemble surface dwellers, but may also possess supernatural abilities.

Art by Plustina


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