Top 20 Jedda Scenes

20. "Jedda, Dale, and Rick" — By Plustina

This is the scene that presented a long-anticipated meeting between Jedda and Dale, and the results are stunning. Jedda's content smile is adorable, and pink always looks good on her. The angle fits everyone in while allowing them to face the viewer naturally. Fantastic work overall.

19. "Being Jedda" — By Neldorwen

This Jedda was born and raised in the jungle. Here, we get to see her basking in her element. The artist does a great job of making the character look happy and free-spirited. The coloring is lovely, and the attention to detail is wonderful — from the fluttering hair, to the wavering garment, to the shadow beneath her.

18. "Warrior" — By Plustina and Neldorwen

A very nice look at Jedda's combat ability. I like the fierce expression and the gi.

17. "In Love On Mongo" — By Plustina

I love this vision of an urban Jedda in casual clothing. Of course, the tenderness between the characters is very touching, and the colors really make it shine.

16. "A Mother On Mongo" — By Neldorwen

This image of a grinning Jedda, fully committed to her new life as a mother, is quite lovely. It's so simple, yet it makes such a statement.

15. "Strolling Through The Palace" — By EdMoffatt

EdMoffatt's Jedda drawings are truly groundbreaking. They were among the first to present the character as a royal, and each of them made her look elegant and regal. The garment, smile, tiara, and coloring in this scene are incredibly cute.

14. "The Night Krotan Proposed" — By Neldorwen

So, so touching. Instead of giving Jedda the stunned expression that tends to appear in scenes like this, Neldorwen draws her with a subtle, smitten grin — which tells a very nice story itself. Jedda looks a little surprised, but not entirely. It's clear that she loves Krotan, and that Krotan loves her. They both knew that this would probably happen someday. It was only natural. Apart from that, I have to say that I love Jedda's nightgown and the amazing colors.

13. "The Royals of Earth N" — By Plustina

What a great depiction of a collected, powerful Jedda. In this one, we see that she's not only made significant progress as a leader, but that great things have happened to her on a personal level as well. Every character is presented splendidly.

12. "The Golden Princess" — By Katzueki

Such a cute look at the affection between Jedda and Hadea, her stepmother in this scene. You have to love the poses, the coloring, and the princess's dress.

11. "Jedda's Greatest Journey" — By Neldorwen

A wonderful image of Jedda on the verge of an incredible journey: motherhood. She appears so prepared and content. Great coloring choice as well. We know that she looks nice in blue, pink, and black, but this green outfit gels with her too.

10. "Wedding Day" — By Neldorwen

Of course, people who see this tend to be mesmerized by the dress immediately. The detail is absolutely magnificent, and it does a great job of setting the tone. It can also be said that Jedda and Krotan's expressions are fantastic. Just like in the proposal scene, Jedda's subtle stare is incredibly fitting. She looks like a woman in love, who's been anticipating this journey with her partner in life.

9. "Jedda's Past" — By Zetarok

Zetarok's Jedda drawings are legendary. He was among the first artists to peel the character's girly-girl image away and present a hotter spin. This is an excellent take on Jedda embracing her jungle life.

8. "Phantom Jedda" — By Zetarok and Plustina

A saucy vision of Jedda in her updated version of the Phantom costume. The coloring really adds a nice shine to the scene.

7. "Anticipation" — By Zetarok and Neldorwen

This was a steamy image from a very steamy tale. In this dimension, like many others, Krotan and Jedda were on opposing sides, but had yearned for each other for quite a while. He finally brings her to his palace on Mongo, where he begins stripping her as she pretends to sleep. Both of them clearly want what's about to happen. Zetarok's presentation is excellent, while Neldorwen's colors take it to a new level.

6. "The Coronation of Queen Jedda" — By Neldorwen

Where to begin? There are so many pretty sights to admire. The cape. The flag. The dress. The crown. You could go on and on. Plus, the use of red, white, gold, and green truly adds something special.

5. "We Did It" — By Plustina

This is such a lovely display of tenderness. In Dimension H, Jedda and her adoptive mother Hadea have, in their view, changed the world for the better. This drawing shows their love for each other just pouring off the page as they take a moment to celebrate.

4. "Victory" — By Plustina and Neldorwen

Near the end of the comic Earth H, a proud Jedda watches as the captured enemy leader kneels, signaling victory for her mother's side. There were two versions of this scene presented, both of them excellent. In the original, Jedda wears an elegant dress that complements Hadea's. In the second edition, however, the princess dons what could be called a much naughtier outfit, doing so simply because she can. This little tweak literally created a whole new world of possibilities — a world called Earth J — and led to a brand new avenue of creativity.

3. "A Mother's Love" 
— By Neldorwen

An utterly adorable illustration of Hadea's feelings for Jedda, and vice versa. Jedda wears such a peaceful, affectionate expression as she lays sprawled on the bed, knowing how much her mother loves her. There's a clear sense of history in this scene; it's apparent that Jedda has gotten this kind of affection for many years.

2. "Golden Queen Jedda" — By Neldorwen

This stunning scene absolutely commands your attention. The mystical elements are so enticing, and the outfit is gorgeous. An utterly brilliant image in all areas.

1. "The Princess of Earth J" 
— By Neldorwen

The most intriguing, sensual, and absolutely stunning Jedda image ever produced. Right away, it's pretty clear that this is not the Jedda whom we know and love. Nope, this is her complete opposite  a spoiled, shameless, snobby girl whom we might end up loving just as much! Pampered, beautiful, and gifted with supernatural power, she literally considers herself perfect, and can't wait to succeed her mother as Queen of Earth J. She's so incredibly vain that she comes across as charming at times, and Neldorwen absolutely nailed the character in this scene. If Jedda wants a pleasure trip, she'll have the servants carry her. If she wants to feel comfortable, she'll wear a skimpy outfit (or nothing at all). And if people find her arrogant, she totally doesn't care. She's the princess. She does what she wants. Neldorwen did a simply phenomenal job creating this version of Jedda.


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