
The Prince of Mongo

By Marzena

Chapter 4: Imprisoned

"Ah, my beautiful bride-to-be!"

Duffy, who had been staring out of the barred window of her cell-like room for the last hour, hadn't even noticed Krotan teleporting behind her. Panicking, she whirled around. She felt safer facing him than having her back turned, not seeing what he was doing.

"Go away, Krotan!" she said sulkily.

"Now, now, dear Daphne. Is that the way to treat your future husband?" He gave her a smile that didn't reach his eyes, then stepped forward to trace his long, green fingers over her white skin, all the way from her cheek right down to her lips. She was shaking with anger and fear, but she was trying hard not to let it show. She knew she needed to be strong to get through this.

"You're not my future husband," she said, trying to step away from him. But behind her were the stone walls of the room, so that turned out to be impossible. "I don't want to marry you, Krotan. I don't even like you. Please, just let me go! I will make sure my father and his friends will leave you alone, I promise!"

"Like hell they will!" Krotan laughed at her. "And even if they would, you're mine, little Daphne Gordon. And I will never let you go!"

Duffy felt positively sick at this. Yes, she hadn't minded kissing Dan or making out with Dan, but that was just the thing. Krotan wasn't Dan anymore. He was the evil son of the evil man who had killed her mother over a year ago. He had tricked her, lied to her and he had pretended to be someone he was not. There was no way she would ever be comfortable with him, let alone see anything in him but the sick and twisted monster that he was.

"Please!" she cried, pressing her back into the cold wall behind her. "I don't belong here, and we don't belong together. You should fine a queen who's actually suitable for the job. I'm not royal at all – I'm just some stupid teenage girl. I know nothing of being a queen or a wife!"

"Oh, you'll learn," he grinned, obviously enjoying her discomfort. "After all, you'll be the Queen of Mongo in name only. All you will have to do is sit next to me with a crown on your head, looking pretty. And as for the wife thing, I'm sure you'll learn that pretty quick, too. After all, we've already had some practice, didn't we, Daphne?!"

Ugh. Unfortunately, he was right. She remembered that evening on the backseat of her car, with her sitting in Dan's lap and him trying to feel her up, all while kissing her nonstop. Oh yes, she had enjoyed their little makeout sessions. Now they just made her really, really sick.

And now, Duffy also realized that Krotan would insist on repeating what they did because that was what husbands and wifes did... they made love to each other. And Krotan had been trying to get into her pants before. He would certainly do more than try now. Shivering, she tried to move away from him, but he grabbed her arm instead, holding her in an iron, painful grip.

"Krotan... let go of me, please! You're hurting me!" she gasped, trying her best to get free.

"Then stop struggling and be nice to me, Daphne," he laughed, now holding her with both of his hands. "I'm just about to refresh your memory, that's all. You're going to like it."

"No! NO!" she screamed, now in a real panic, but Krotan just laughed and pushed her down on the large queen-sized bed in the corner of the room, letting himself fall on top of her so she couldn't move anymore. He was so heavy and she felt like a cornered animal, trying to get away but knowing she couldn't.

"Oh, hell, yes!" he laughed, pressing himself against her, forcing his lips against hers.

She tried to get out from beneath him. She even thought about letting her powers loose but then decided against it. She just couldn't risk doing anything that would piss him off enough to make one of his treats come true – and he would kill her friends off, one by one, without any hesitation, she was sure of that.

"Just continue to struggle," he grinned at her, but it was a malicious grin, not a friendly or teasing one. "I kinda like it. Or give it up already, dear Daphne. You might as well arrange yourself with the situation. You're to be my bride and this is what we're going to do every bloody night from now on."

The thought alone made her sick. Frightened, she tried to plead, tried to reason, even showed weakness in front of him and cried. All she did get in return was laughter. He clearly enjoyed her being uncomfortable and completely at his mercy. Krotan was a cruel and twisted being, as evil as his father, and there was absolutely nothing Duffy could go to stop him from doing what he was still doing – trying to kiss her, touching her, trying to rip her clothes apart. She struggled, she fought, she cried – and he ignored her, laughed at her and did what he wanted to do anyway. Or he certainly would have done, if they hadn't been interrupted by a knock on the door at the very last minute. Krotan growled, pissed at the unwanted interruption.

"What!?" he hissed in the direction of the door without bothering to ask whoever it was on the other side in. But then again it wouldn't have looked good with the Prince of Mongo wrestling with his apparently unwilling bride on top of the bed.

"Your Highness, there are a lot of Wedding presents arriving," a male voice from outside the door said. "Some of them are delivered in person by the nobility of Mongo. They're waiting in the throneroom for you for an audience, Your Highness."

Angrily, Krotan got off the bed, not bothering to give Duffy another glance. "I'll be there right away."

"Of course, Your Highness. I will inform your visitors."

Krotan made sure his clothes were back in order, then he went towards the heavy door. Just before he reached it, he looked back at the frightened girl on the bed.

"Get ready for the wedding night, Daphne. Nobody will interrupt us then."

With that, Krotan left, slamming the door behind him and locking it, telling the guards to keep watch. Duffy heard him walk away. She still sat on the bed, shaking and pale, and finally, when she was sure he wouldn't turn around and come back again, she allowed herself to collapse on the mattress, sobbing desperately into the large pillows.







1: Worried

Kit disapproves of Duffy's bond with her new romantic interest.

2: Aftermath

Duffy is left reeling after the truth comes out.

3: Vanished

The Defenders are stunned by Duffy's disappearance.

4: Imprisoned

Duffy rejects her captor's advances.

5: Wedding

A reluctant Duffy follows Krotan to the altar.

6: Safe

The Defenders finally arrive to rescue Duffy.



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