Ian Elisonne


Ian Elisonne is a character created by AmandaDoE. He is featured in tales set on Earth S and Earth N.

Ian grew up in the town of Skybrook, not far from Central City. As a teenager, he got into a physical fight with his stepfather while defending his mother, with whom he also had a volatile relationship. When his mother appeared unappreciative, Ian ran from home and joined the United States military. Years later, he discovered that a female soldier was being sexually harassed by one of his fellow sergeants, and saw that the man was discharged.

Following the completion of his military career, Ian joined federal law enforcement and fell in love with Agent Janet Gordon. The two married and had a daughter named Tori. A couple of years afterward, humanity began defending itself against a planet called Mongo.

At this point, the Ian of Earth S began to have different experiences than the Ian of Earth N. In one of these dimensions, Janet would eventually accuse the famed magician Mandrake and others like him of making Earth a target for Mongo. Ian and his like-minded agents did not believe this to be true. When Janet attempted to assassinate Mandrake, Ian, always wanting to aid someone who was targeted unfairly, intercepted the shot. Though Ian survived, the assault damaged his mental capabilities, leaving him unfit to continue his career or to care for his child. Although he believed himself suitable for field work and fatherhood, he could never pass tests that the authorities mandated. He would then divorce Janet and begin new work with the agency. Tori was cared for by Janet's brother Flash and Flash's wife Dale.

Many years later, the witch Zorelda offered to heal Ian's mind fully in exchange for his service to her. Ian accepted, but found himself uncomfortable with many of Zorelda's demands. Tori, now empowered and on the verge of adulthood, challenged Zorelda to a duel, with Ian's freedom as the prize. Tori prevailed, reuniting with her father.

Art by Plustina

Related: Gordon Family


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