Gordon Family

Art by Plustina and Neldorwen

The Gordons are a family of humans from Earth, renowned for leading civil battles across the galaxy against the tyrant Ming of planet Mongo.

Defenders of the Earth implies that the famed space explorer Flash Gordon and his wife Dale have battled Ming and those closest to him sporadically for nearly two decades. In fan fiction, Dale and Flash are assisted by several family members, some of whom have heroic service records within the United States government. The Gordons are presented as highly adept in computer science, combat, and piloting. Gordon children typically grow up aware of their family's legacy, and sometimes take an interest in becoming part of it.  


Abigail Gordon 

April Gordon 

Dale Gordon

Duffy Gordon 

Flash Gordon

Flash Gordon (Earth A)

Ian Elisonne

Janet Elisonne

Jedda Gordon

Rick Gordon 

Sara Gordon 

Sheila DeWindt 

Tori Gordon


Scene 2 -- Tori and April -- by Plustina and Neldorwen

Scene 3 -- Dale, Jedda, and Rick -- by Plustina


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