
The Prince of Mongo

By Marzena

Chapter 5: Wedding

Growing up, little Duffy had often imagined her wedding. Despite her hero parents, she'd been the typical little girl with a thing for princess dresses and sparkly tiaras and Disney movies. She'd always seen herself wearing the most beautiful princess dress and some sparkly jewelry, carrying pretty flowers, walking to the altar, a handsome husband-to-be waiting for her there. She'd dreamed of being happy and pretty, sharing a wonderful and perfect day with all her loved ones. Over the years, her dreams had matured a bit. Her husband-to-be had turned into a boyfriend she'd had or a celebrity she'd admired and her dress had become more elegant and less Disney Princess. But no matter how her fantasies looked like, they all had something in common – it always was the best day of her life. However, reality was slightly different. It was more like the worst day of her life.

Not that her gown wasn't anything but beautiful. She was all dolled up in white and the material of the dress consisted of the finest fabrics. It was strapless and low-cut and adorned with expensive and rare jewelry of all kinds. The perfect wedding gown for the perfect royal wedding. There was even a sparkly crown she would have to wear, and a veil her husband-to-be would have to lift before he could kiss his bride. But that was just the thing – she didn't want her so-called husband to come anywhere near her and she certainly didn't want him to kiss her. But she just didn't have another choice than to stand there and marry him with a smile on her lips because with just one tiny thought he could make those mind-bombs he planted on her family and friends go off and that would be the end of the Defenders of the Earth.

Duffy was so busy praying and hoping and wiping the tears that just wouldn't stop falling away from her face that she barely noticed the maid coming in. It was a sharp-tongued old woman and clearly trusted by Krotan, otherwise he wouldn't have let her go anywhere near his prisoner, pardon, bride-to-be.

The maid looked her over and then nodded in approval. Duffy certainly looked like a royal bride in this magnificent gown. Everything was perfect – except for the fact that Duffy was being forced into this marriage and into this life, but that didn't seem to concern the woman one last bit.

"You need to put on the crown, Your Highness," the woman said respectfully but sternly. "And then it's time to go. The wedding party is waiting. Young Prince Krotan won't stand any tardiness from you, Lady Daphne."

Duffy just mechanically reached for the beautiful crown and put it on her head and the maid stepped closer and helped her arrange it. Then she gestured Duffy to follow her, and that's what Duffy did. There wasn't anything she could do. Just one wrong step by her and one of her friends might end up being blown to bits by Krotan's mind-bomb. She just couldn't risk that.

And so Duffy followed the maid through a maze of corridors, some empty and cold, some decorated with expensive furniture. Then, finally, they reached a doorway where two palace guards stood. As they noticed them coming, they quickly stood up straighter and bowed to her, moving away to let her walk past them. Duffy nearly laughed. Having those people bow to her, it was just so surreal and strange.

Outside, it was cold, like it always was on Mongo, but at least Ming City was free of all ice and frost and snow. Otherwise, Duffy would have needed a skiing outfit, not a strapless wedding gown. She curiously glanced around her. There were all sorts of people, mostly guards and men and women in Krotan's employment. Then, lining the sides of a huge, soft red carpet, there were the people of Ming City, easily recognized in their old, torn and dirty clothing. The signs of hunger and poverty couldn't be missed by anyone, and Duffy felt uncomfortable walking past them in her expensive gown with all that glittering jewelry and the long train behind her that was now picked up and carried by several young looking maids.

The long red carpet led straight to a strange-looking chapel right beside the palace. Duffy swallowed hard but she kept walking, placing one foot in front of the other, telling herself over and over again that everything would be okay in the end. She also tried to control her powers. They had the tendency to go awry in moments like this when she was really upset or stressed out or in a panic. And she had the feeling that Krotan would certainly not tolerate her powers going nuts right before the wedding vows. He'd probably think she was trying to escape and punish her by killing one of her friends. And she just couldn't let that happen.

Entering the chapel, she realized that she didn't even know what kind of religion they had here on Mongo or if they expected her to do or say anything specific. But then again, they probably didn't. Krotan, standing there in front of the altar, all dressed up in the fancy royal wedding getup, wanted her to become his. He wouldn't drag it out any longer than necessary with some fancy ceremony or some rituals. She probably would only have to say 'I do' and that would be it. Her fate would be sealed and there would be no turning back. Well, not that there ever had been a chance of turning back.

There was music playing and the High and Mighty of Mongo were all present in the chapel to witness the wedding of the century – Prince Krotan marrying Flash Gordon's daughter. But their faces, the music, the old priest standing at the altar and everything else – Duffy barely registered it. She just kept on walking until she reached the altar and then she came to a stop like she was a robot, and when Krotan moved next to her, she just stood absolutely still, thankful for the thick veil that prevented anyone from seeing her tears.

"Ready, my beautiful young bride?" Krotan asked, taking her arm and pulling her close – such a sweet gesture from anyone other but him.

"Yes," she mumbled motionless, a beautiful bride in a magnificent gown on the outside, but a scared young girl on the inside with absolutely no hope left.

"Very well then," Krotan replied, obviously satisfied with her behavior. "Then let's get this wedding started, shall we!?"

The priest started his speech and Krotan listened impatiently while Duffy just remained standing there, realizing that her greatest nightmare was just about to become reality and that once the vows were said there would be no going back. And so, silently, she said goodbye to her father, her friends and her old life while Krotan next to her firmly said: "I do!"







1: Worried

Kit disapproves of Duffy's bond with her new romantic interest.

2: Aftermath

Duffy is left reeling after the truth comes out.

3: Vanished

The Defenders are stunned by Duffy's disappearance.

4: Imprisoned

Duffy rejects her captor's advances.

5: Wedding

A reluctant Duffy follows Krotan to the altar.

6: Safe

The Defenders finally arrive to rescue Duffy.


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