
DOE Retold

By James

Episode 50 — The Prince Dethroned

In the span of eight hours he could never forget, Krotan had fallen from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows.

Earlier today, he was Mongo's ruler. This entire planet had belonged to him. Now he was laying in the cell of a prison, a golden ice robot patrolling outside. This was the worst place of all to be jailed. Prisoners here simply didn't escape.

He rolled on his back and looked upward again. This reminded him of his childhood years. He'd studied the ceiling many nights in his room, dreaming of the day he would take Ming's throne, knowing how much Ming would hate him for it. It would be his ultimate act of revenge, for all of the abuse Ming inflicted on him.

He'd grown up looking for a suitable queen. The search had concluded when he'd come of age. He'd met someone. Her name was Jedda. She was everything he could want in a mate. Jedda had a boldness that Krotan admired. She had a sensitivity about her too. He'd wanted so much to make her his bride, and Jedda seemed drawn to him as well.

But there was a problem, and it was big: they were supposed to be enemies — people on opposite sides of a clash. Jedda's teammates didn't want them together. Ming had expressed disapproval as well. Even Jedda seemed hesitant at times.

Krotan had tired of waiting, though. He'd wanted the planet, and wanted his queen. A few days ago, he'd taken them both.

He was supposed to keep them for years, but things hadn't quite worked out as planned. Jedda had left. The people rebelled. Ming had returned and reclaimed the throne.

How? he wondered, holding his head. How had it all slipped away from him?

Maybe the real question here was why.

A loud explosion rippled through the jail. The whole room shook, and Krotan tensed. It sounded like the building was about to come down.

The ice robot began firing, shooting at a target out of Krotan's sight.

A huge white laser hit the robot's chest. The sentry stumbled, then fired back. Another shot rocked the machine again. The gold-plated armor kept the robot intact. Another blast hit. Then another as well. Finally, the machine exploded.

Krotan ducked, lifting his arms. Parts of the robot were flying at him.

Another gold guard marched onto the scene, firing shots at the unseen foe.

Seconds later, Krotan got a look at the robot's attacker.

A figure in black, cloaked by a mask, flipped right over the robot's head, fastening something to the sentry's back. Krotan saw a flash on the robot's rear, a little device that was twinkling.

The masked figure ran, then crouched quickly.

The second robot exploded as well.

The masked invader walked up to the bars, bold eyes fastened on Krotan's own.

Krotan retreated with one hand raised.

A well-placed shot blew the cage door open. The masked figure motioned for Krotan to exit.

Krotan left the cell cautiously, keeping an eye on his rescuer's rifle. He wasn't so sure this was an act of kindness. Several people harbored a grudge against him. Was he being taken by one of them now? Was he being led to some terrible fate?

The two of then ran through the huge gray prison. Another gold robot emerged in their path. The rescuer hit it with an accurate shot, blowing its rectangular head right off.

They entered a chamber that was large and square. Other dark figures were engaged in battle, each of them shooting at golden machines. The loud sound of rifles was filling the room. Smoke and explosions were everywhere.

"Everybody out!" his rescuer called.

Krotan winced as he heard the voice.

The rescuer led him to a hole in a wall, a massive one, clearly caused by a blast. A large aircraft waited just outside, shaped like a crescent, with glittering lights. He ran up the ramp and got in with the others.

The ship took off, leaving the jail. Krotan could see it on a monitor.

The rescuer lifted a rectangular box, pressing a round white button on it.

A fiery burst rocked the building below. Chunks of debris scattered everywhere.

Krotan trembled, caught off guard.

"That takes care of Ming's best robots," a masked figure said, looking down on the scene.

"He's still got others," another chimed in.

Krotan eyed them. "Who are you people?" They were clearly rebels, but who, exactly? He had never seen this particular group. He wasn't surprised that they'd sported masks. It made perfect sense with a task this big; they needed to shield their identities. They had destroyed the world's greatest prison. Someone had surely watched them on camera.

Krotan's rescuer faced him again, then proceeded to remove the mask.

Krotan shook. "Castra," he whispered. His very own sister had broken him out.

Why had she hidden her identity? Everyone knew she was a rebel leader.

"I didn't want you to be distracted," she said, almost as though she was reading his mind. She'd had that habit ever since they were kids, back when she'd decided to run from home.

Castra looked solemn while eyeing him. She appeared ashamed of all that he'd done, all that he'd wrought in the past few days.

"Why are you looking at me that way?" Krotan shuddered as he summoned the words. "My ultimate goals were the same as yours."

"How is that?" She touched her hip.

"You've rebelled against Father too. Both of us are trying to take him down. I simply went about it from within the palace."

"And what kind of ruler were you going to be?"

A flutter of shame stirred up in him.

"Were you going to give the world Krotan — the thoughtful, caring boy I knew — or were you going to give it another Ming?"

He looked aside as her words sank in. He knew deep down what the answer was.

"You've spent so long under his influence that you think that you have to rule like him. Father's turned you into someone you're not."

His face grew warm. A tear welled up. He'd idolized Castra when he was a child, and they'd kept contact ever since she'd left. It hurt him to know she was disappointed.

"The age of tyranny is reaching an end. People want an age of justice now. That's the reason you didn't succeed." She touched his shoulder. "If you want Mongo, and Jedda as well, you won't get either by taking them. You have to prove yourself worthy of both."

Krotan wondered if he could do either. Was it too late to win all that he'd sought? "I'm not sure I can."

She smiled. "I am."

Krotan flinched, touched by that.

The pilot spoke over his shoulder toward them. "We're flying over Adalon now, Castra."

"Thanks." She turned back to Krotan again. "Join our team."

"I can't," he muttered. "We both know your unit won't welcome me — not until I've given them reason to." He noticed a small sky cruiser on board. "I still have subjects loyal to me. I'm joining them." He boarded the craft.

Castra walked over and touched his hand.

"Thank you," he whispered, stroking her fingers.

She let him go, and the cockpit closed.

He flew from her ship and pressed into the clouds, landing in Adalon moments later. Two guards arrived when he radioed, escorting him to a secret home.

When nightfall came, he rolled on his back and threw a stare at the ceiling, dreaming of the day he might govern the world, dreaming of the day he might have his queen — and knowing that Castra was right about both: he couldn't take either, he had to earn them.

Scene Commentary

He'd grown up looking for a suitable queen. The search had concluded when he'd come of age. He'd met someone. Her name was Jedda. She was everything he could want in a mate. Jedda had a boldness that Krotan admired. She had a sensitivity about her too. He'd wanted so much to make her his bride, and Jedda seemed drawn to him as well.

But there was a problem, and it was big: they were supposed to be enemies — people on opposite sides of a clash. Jedda's teammates didn't want them together. Ming had expressed disapproval as well. Even Jedda seemed hesitant at times.

Really love exploring this tale from Krotan's perspective. I liked examining his past as well. While I don't think that Ming is to blame for all of Krotan's mistakes, I definitely think that Krotan has been influenced by his father, and that the prince is capable of change.

Castra walked over and touched his hand.

"Thank you," he whispered, stroking her fingers.

She let him go, and the cockpit closed.

He flew from her ship and pressed into the clouds, landing in Adalon moments later. Two guards arrived when he radioed, escorting him to a secret home.

It was a lot of fun putting Krotan and Castra in a scene together, and learning a little about their bond.





1: The Golden Queen

Four of the Defenders are captured by Queen Hadea.

2: Flesh and Blood 

Flash and Lothar discuss Flash's new romantic interest.

3: The Prince Weds 

Held prisoner on Mongo, Jedda makes a bargain with Zorelda, believing that they can change the world for the better.

4: Lothar's Homecoming

LJ's discusses his relationship with his father.

5: The Golden Age

Hadea intends to make radical changes with the Necklace of Oros.

6: The Future Comes But Once

Jedda reveals the details of a recent vision.

7: The Prince Dethroned

Castra frees her brother and encourages him to change his ways.


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