Princess Jedda


Art by Neldorwen

Princess Jedda is a character introduced in Earth J, a tale featuring the planet of the same name. She is the daughter of Queen Hadea of Netherworld, and the adventurer called Phantom, a crusader whom Hadea met while their lands were trading goods.


Utterly smitten by her newborn, Hadea declared her intentions to expand beyond Netherworld and control the rest of Earth, wanting Jedda to rule the planet one day. Disapproving of these plans, the Phantom left the kingdom and his family. Soon afterward, Hadea found success.

Pampered, beautiful, and gifted with mystical power, Jedda became extremely vain as she grew, thrilled by the knowledge that she would be queen in time. She literally considered herself perfect, even accepting royal adulation from her own mother. As the tale neared its conclusion, she inched closer to her destiny: becoming ruler of Earth J.


When activated, Jedda's telepathy allows her to detect wave-like readings from others, alerting her to ill intentions and, subsequently, potential danger. In addition, she possesses the traditional telepathic powers displayed by her counterparts in other dimensions, which enable her to project her thoughts, read minds, and affect the actions or visions of her targets temporarily.


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