Sheila DeWindt

Art by Neldorwen


Race: Mongoian

Skills: Governing, espionage

Family: Gordons, Royals of Mongo

Sheila Oceanna DeWindt is a character introduced in the fanfic Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Story, also appearing in additional fan fiction.


Sheila is a daughter of Ming the Merciless, and a sister of Hadea, Castra, Krotan, and Aura. Collectively, the siblings are known as the Royal Five. In This Is Their Story, Sheila, Hadea, and Aura have the same mother, while Castra and Krotan were birthed by another woman. The spin-off, This Is Their Side Story, presents Sheila and Hadea as Ming's stepchildren. All of the royal siblings were raised in the Imperial Palace of Mongo, and each were eligible to succeed Ming as leader.

While living in luxury made Hadea somewhat vain, Sheila ultimately resisted the urge to become too snobbish. However, she remained a proud patriot, and grew up with aspirations of becoming Mongo's ruler — a dream that was hindered by multiple challenges. Her main obstacle came in the form of stiff competition from her highly capable sister Hadea. She also faced the issue of bigotry among the green-skinned natives of Mongo. 

Flash Gordon

Sheila eventually befriended Flash Gordon, her father's greatest enemy, whom she was supposed to incapacitate. To her surprise, she began falling in love with Flash and caring for his children, April and Rick. A stunned Flash shunned Sheila upon learning of her initial motivations, but the two later reconnected. Realizing their great love for each other, they faced additional matters, such as her commitment to Mongo and his lingering feelings for his ex-wife Dale, and were eventually married.

In the This Is Their Story continuity, Sheila becomes ruler of Mongo, but remains committed to Flash during this period. In This Is Their Side Story, she lives with her husband on Earth, where she works as a successful fitness trainer while attempting to bond with Rick and an occasionally reluctant April. She retains close relationships with her siblings, and concludes that she has no regrets regarding her chosen path.


Sheila is thought to be highly adept in the art of espionage, as she was the daughter whom Ming felt could infiltrate and help him weaken the Defenders of the Earth.

Though not as experienced as her sister Hadea, she is a knowledgeable politician and a capable leader. She also has an ability to create force fields, and possesses excellent flying and combat skills.

Upon bonding with members of the Gordon family, her familiarity with computer science increases significantly.


Sheila with her husband Flash
Art by Plustina
Sheila is the wife of Flash Gordon and the stepmother of April and Rick. In This Is Their Story, she is the biological daughter of Ming and the sister of Hadea, Castra, Krotan, and Aura. This Is Their Side Story presents her and Hadea as Ming's stepchildren. In both continuities, she gives birth after marrying Flash.


Sheila with April
 Art by Plustina
Art by Neldorwen


Royals of Mongo 

Gordon Family


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