
Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Side Story

By James

Chapter 11: Defending The Earth

LJ followed Rick into the aircraft deck. They weren't supposed to be in this sector alone. It didn't really matter to them right now. Certain things were far more important than rules — like doing what was needed to protect the world.

All of the Defenders were sworn to a code: Defend, Assist, But Never Attack.

He and Rick had come here to violate that. They planned to send a message to their enemies.

He eyed the space cruiser that they'd use on their trip, lengthy and blue, with a powerful thrust, jammed with weapons strong enough to crush ten forts.

Then he took a breath, facing his friend. He and Rick had made rash decisions before. LJ didn't want to make another one now. "We sure about this?"

Rick eyed the craft, then sighed a bit. "Those Beta Four bastards are targeting Earth. What if they actually strike next time? Dad said he weakened a few of their ships. This is our best chance to finish the job." He faced LJ. "You with me or not?"

April heard another gentle knock at her door. Somebody wanted to check on her. She was getting tired of repeating herself. She rolled on her side, facing the pane, one that offered her a nice view of the sky. She had been watching that a lot lately. "I said that I don't want to see anyone."

A memory invaded her mind again — the vision of the shot piercing Astra's head, followed by the sprinkle of blood in the air, and then the sight of Astra falling onto the stage.

"April." A pause. "It's me," she said. The voice was gentle, but firm as well. It carried a power that appeared restrained.

April twitched, then rose from the bed. She hadn't expected this visitor. She thought that cousin Sara was busy now. Sara was a soldier on her mother's team, a unit not unlike a military corps.

She opened the door.

Sara grinned. She wore a gray shirt over ebony pants, her short blonde locks now styled in bangs.

Moments later, both of them were sitting on the side of the bed. April's gaze was focused on her quivering hands.

"You did what you needed to do out there," Sara declared.

April stewed, facing the pane.

"We're Gordons, A," Sara continued. "This is the life that we're born into. This is the life that we chose to live. We both know that...there..." Her words trailed off. She studied the sky.

April started squinting as she watched it too, anger and confusion welling up in her.

Both of them stood, eyeing the clouds. A blue space cruiser was departing Earth. That wasn't supposed to be happening now.




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Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Side Story



Kshin had rarely seen the adults this nervous. All of them were gathered at a video screen, Flash leaning forth on the control console. Everyone stared at the speeding craft, watching as it headed straight toward the clouds. It would surely leave camera view pretty soon.

He put his mobile phone in his pocket again, keeping a distance from the men ahead.

"Communications open," the Phantom relayed.

Flash was sweating. Flash was seething. "Rick!" he yelled. "Are you hearing my voice?"

"We hear you, Dad," Rick confirmed. There were no visuals of LJ and Rick. Kshin could only hear them, and see their ship. They were recorded when they took the thing.

"We've got the White House on the line right now. China and others are calling too. They want to know why you're departing Earth — and they really want to hear why you're heading to Beta. That's what you're targeting, isn't it?"

"We're going up to finish what you started there."

"Rick!" Flash slammed his fist on the panel. "You can't make a strike on another world. You'll cause an interplanetary incident."

"You went to Beta and tore up the base."

"My flight was approved by the president. And I didn't arrive with my weapons blazing. I got myself caught, and I made an escape. It's not the same thing as a straight attack — not under interplanetary law."

"It's a little late for us to turn back now. We've got to keep Beta from striking our world. Can't you find a way to just cover this up? Isn't there a way that you can bend the law?"

Mandrake rose. "Richard," he uttered. That meant business. "Return to the base immediately."

April and Sara walked into the room, both looking tense as they listened in.

Flash took a glance, then turned to the screen, shifting his focus to the boys again. "Do you realize what you've already done? Do you know what we're about to face? Court arraignments. Budget cuts. Who knows if we'll win back the government's trust?"

Lothar took a breath, wiping his brow. "Both of you abort this mission now."

"Dad?" Rick murmured, amid some static. "Are you still there?"

"Rick," Flash uttered. "Abort the mission."

More static followed. "I'm sorry," Rick said. "You're breaking up."


Sound faded from the call.

Phantom turned around, then heaved a sigh. "We've lost contact."

The craft flew on.

Lothar rose, both fists clenched. "We can't let the two of them reach that planet."

Flash watched the screen. Silence prevailed.

Lothar was staring at the sky as well.

And then the big man turned his head to Flash.

Flash paused a while, then faced his friend. No words were spoken as they eyed each other. The two appeared locked in a silent language.

A little tear trickled down Lothar's cheek. His face remained courageous as ever, though.

Kshin grew afraid. What were they thinking? It couldn't be what he suspected it was.

"Mandrake. Kit," Flash said with a choke.

The other adults moved a little bit closer.

"Dynak..." He paused. "This is Flash. Verify vocal and fingerprint." Flash placed a finger in a spot on the panel.

"Vocal and fingerprint verified," Dynak responded.

Lothar moved forth. "Dynak." He trembled. "This is Lothar. Verify vocal and fingerprint."

"Vocal and fingerprint verified."

"Wait!" Kshin called across the room. He had to say something before they went on.

Mandrake waved a hand, quieting him.

April faced Kshin. "What are they doing?"

Kshin had never felt his current level of fright. He couldn't make his body stop fidgeting. "Remote detonation," he whispered to her. "A safeguard in case a vehicle gets stolen." They were going to send a signal up to the ship. They were going to blow the cruiser out of the sky.

"Dynak..." Mandrake muttered after a pause. "Verify vocal and fingerprint."

"Vocal and fingerprint verified."

April and Sara eyed each other in horror. Then the former started rushing over to Flash.

"Dad!" she yelled. "Rick's up there!"

Phantom hesitated, staring at April. Then he turned and faced the computer again. "Dynak," he said. "This is Phantom. Verify vocal and fingerprint."

"Vocal and fingerprint verified."

"Dad!" she said, right at his side.

Flash shook a little as he studied the screen.

"DAD!" she bellowed. "I'm talking to you!"

"I can't allow a war between this planet and Beta!" Flash swung his head. "We're still recovering from our struggle with Ming!"

April's face had instantly gotten red. She quivered while holding her eyes on his.

"Our purpose is to defend the Earth — no matter who might endanger it."

Sara ran forth, splitting them up.

"Wait!" Phantom said. "It's turning around."

Kshin looked up, eyeing the screen. Indeed, the craft was heading back to the base. It wasn't all alone anymore, however. Someone was hovering within the clouds — flying alongside the vehicle. "Amy," he whispered. "She's pulling it back." She had received his call after all, the one he'd made just before discussion began.

Kshin watched the Gordons from across the room. The three of them were sitting in a triangle.

April eyed her lap while she spoke to Rick. "You realize that you've redefined moron, right?" She didn't sound the tiniest bit amused. She hadn't from the moment that he'd gotten back.

Rick watched the tiles with a look of shame.

"I've got enough going on right now, Rick. This..." She paused, shaking her head. "I didn't need this. I couldn't handle losing my brother today. It would've wrecked whatever is left of my mind."

Flash stroked his lips while watching his son. A number of emotions appeared on his face. At times he looked saddened. Then relieved.

Rick looked up, facing them. "I'm going to do my best to make it right with the team." He quivered a little. "And I'm going to do my best to make it right with you."

The three of them rose, and shared a slow hug.

Kshin turned around, feeling touched. LJ and Lothar were embracing too. Then they separated, leaving the room.






Volume I

1: Those Three Seconds

As the New Rebellion rages across Mongo and Earth, Jedda and Krotan unite against Ming  and find themselves pursued by one of his ships.  

2: Mongo Is Burning — Part 1

Desperate to end the battles, Krotan and Jedda, who have fallen in love, agree to a politically driven wedding — which Rick opposes.

3: Mongo Is Burning — Part 2

Despite growing opposition to the wedding, Jedda and Krotan remain firm in their decision.

4: Alive

Rick observes Amy venting, then ends up on a wild ride.

5: The Coming Storm

Amy visits her ailing foster mother, only to realize that she's fallen into a trap.

6: Crescendo

Rick and Amy take May to the Netherworld, where an invasion has begun.

7: About Our Arrangement

Against the wishes of Rick and others, Amy makes a bargain with Damian Dark.

8: Forward

While the Defenders scramble to catch up with Amy, another battle occurs in the Netherworld.

Volume II

9: Unthinkable

Flash sets out to free Ming, who has vital information regarding an impending attack.

10: So Spoke April

Lothar and April move to counter an assassination attempt.

11: Defending The Earth

The team hurries to prevent LJ and Rick from carrying out an assault on another planet.

12: Defenders of Mongo

The Royal Five converge to counter a group of outlaws who've abducted Castra's husband.

13: Home

Despite Castra's objections, Hadea grows tempted to remain on Mongo and take over as queen.

14: Players and Pawns

Kshin and LJ suspect that Veena is planning to bring her father back.

15: Life

The Gordons arrive at Dale's grave.

16: Houses Divided and United

Castra and her relatives vie for the position of queen on Mongo.

Volume III

17: Firstborn

Dale reveals the identity of her first child.

18: Antiheroine

Veena uses her powers to help others.

19: Convergence

Flash gets a startling surprise while chasing Ming.

20: The Princess Makes Her Move

In Dimension K, Ming weds his ambitious stepdaughter Hadea.

21: Replacement

A visitor arrives from Dimension Y, intent on taking Dale back with her.

22: Relatives

Duffy attempts to bond with Dale, who learns of a portal to another dimension.

23: A Growing Ensemble

After arriving on Earth K, the duo find themselves captured by Queen Hadea, who tasks Dale with a mission.

24: Building A Bridge

Now a mother of four, Dale attempts to help ease tensions between April and Duffy.

25: The Gatemaster

Rick learns that Duffy might have another special ability.

 Volume IV

26: Vanity

After using her seer to avert a grim future, the Hadea of Earth K believes herself unbeatable.

27: Easier

April receives a visit from her aunt, Commander Abigail Gordon, who seeks her help on a mission.

28: I Know 

Amy confronts her mother Cathleen, who is attempting to conquer Earth P.

29: Assembly

On Earth C, Agent Kristina Graf seeks members for a new defense team.

30: Teammates

April and Duffy are approached by Kent Madden's daughter Clare, who claims to need their help.

31: Dreamers

Sheila reflects on her choices.

32: Parental Guidance Required

Duffy develops an unexpected bond.

33: Internal Affair

The Defenders are challenged inside Monitor.

34: Pre-emptive Measure

In response to the recent assault, Abby and Dale take action against Madden.

35: The Girl From Earth Y

Duffy begins acclimating to life on Earth B.

36: King and Queen

Krotan receives comfort from Jedda in the midst of a new matter.

37: Part of the Solution

Amy seeks to help an old friend.

38: Mother and Daughter

Hadea and Jedda bond on Earth H in the series finale.



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