
Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Side Story

By James

Chapter 20: The Princess Makes Her Move

12 Years Ago

Dimension K

Planet Mongo

Ming brushed a hand along the balcony rail, holding his gaze on the crowd below. Thousands had attended his royal wedding — Ming's second wedding in the past few months. His previous wife was now laid to rest. He had just married that woman's child. Hadea was a girl of only seventeen years. Some thought that she was too young to rule.

Ming didn't care. He wanted her bad. He'd felt that way ever since they'd met. By marrying the mother, he'd had them both. That had made it easier to reach a choice. He'd maintained a typical bond with his wife, and enjoyed a secret affair with the girl.

Once he'd decided it was time to choose, there was no question of whom he preferred. He wanted Hadea, and her alone. That meant he had to get her mother out of the way. Hadea went along with it quietly.

Now they were here. Husband and wife.

Hadea stepped forth and raised her chin toward the crowd, a crown sparkling above her beautiful face. "When our mighty king took my mother's hand, I knew I would have to rule here one day." She threw a sniff in, and frowned a tad. "I just never dreamed that it would be so soon."

Ming grinned a bit, then straightened his face. He loved this little innocent act of hers.

"If only I could undo the accident. If only I could bring Mother back to us..." She took a quick breath. "But that is a thought of mere fantasy. I must embrace my reality." Hadea pressed her palm right against Ming's own. "I must rule well with my husband now."

He held Hadea close as they cuddled in bed. Her skin was precious and delicate.

"Your plan truly worked," she said with awe.

Ming was amused by her tone of voice. She'd doubted his ability to get things done. That would surely change in the years ahead. "You'll find that my plans always work, my dear."

Hadea pulled away and got onto her feet. "I desire air." She crossed the gold carpet of the candlelit room, stepping outside on the balcony. Holding the rail as they'd done before, she settled her gaze on the sparkling stars.

Octon rose right beside the bed, standing straight up from a dormant crouch. Several lights glistened along his plates. "What plan was she referring to...sire?"

Ming sprawled out on the silky sheets. "I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea." People thought her mother had overdosed.

Immediately, Hadea returned, walking back in with a hand on her hip. "Octon," she uttered, "play that recording."

Octon twinkled: "I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea." The voice in the recording was undoubtedly Ming's.

Ming sat up, eyeing Hadea. "What have you done?" He shifted his attention to Octon again. Why had it recorded without his consent? "Octon!" he barked. "Delete that recording."

Octon made absolutely no response.

"Octon!" he growled.

Hadea stepped forth. "Octon," she said, "send that recording to the major news stations — all of the ones we discussed before."

"Yes...highness," Octon replied.

Ming shot up, discarding the sheets. "What are you doing?!"

Octon twinkled. Then it hummed. Ming could tell it'd just sent a signal out. He felt a shiver crawling along his spine.

"Octon..." Hadea crossed her arms on her chest. "Play that recording on the palace's speakers. Reach every speaker throughout the house."

Ming glanced up at the nearest one, seeing it nestled along the wall. The palace had a number of intercoms, a very easy way to communicate. Suddenly, he heard his voice: "I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea." The message was broadcast throughout the room. It sounded like it'd reached other rooms as well. A bit of static followed. Then it cleared up: "I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea... I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea... I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea... I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea..."

Hadea stood in place, arms still crossed, looking quite smug as the statement played.

"Octon!" he bellowed. "End the transmission!"

"I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea... I poisoned Queen Lynn so I could marry Hadea..."

Ming eyed Hadea, brimming with rage. "How did you reprogram Octon?"

Her eyebrow rose. "I'm not the shallow girl whom you think I am. After I altered his circuits a bit, I told him to question you once I stepped out. You handled the rest with your cockiness."

The doors swung open. Guards stepped in. Ming eyed all of them fearfully.

"Captain!" Hadea called the leader in fright. "You've heard his confession. Arrest this man!"

Ming lunged at her. "YOU LITTLE- -"

The guards tackled Ming before he reached the girl. He squirmed on the floor at Hadea's feet. She placed one right upon his quivering face.

"Ming the Merciless..." Hadea declared. "You are now stripped of your title here. I, Hadea, rule Mongo alone." She moved backward. "Take him away."

The guards picked him up and escorted him off.

"Octon," she uttered, "end the transmission."

The speakers went quiet.

Ming was dragged out. The last thing he heard as he was leaving the room was the sound of Hadea talking to the computer.

"Queen Hadea..." she said with pride. "That certainly has a nice ring to it."






Volume I

1: Those Three Seconds

As the New Rebellion rages across Mongo and Earth, Jedda and Krotan unite against Ming  and find themselves pursued by one of his ships.  

2: Mongo Is Burning — Part 1

Desperate to end the battles, Krotan and Jedda, who have fallen in love, agree to a politically driven wedding — which Rick opposes.

3: Mongo Is Burning — Part 2

Despite growing opposition to the wedding, Jedda and Krotan remain firm in their decision.

4: Alive

Rick observes Amy venting, then ends up on a wild ride.

5: The Coming Storm

Amy visits her ailing foster mother, only to realize that she's fallen into a trap.

6: Crescendo

Rick and Amy take May to the Netherworld, where an invasion has begun.

7: About Our Arrangement

Against the wishes of Rick and others, Amy makes a bargain with Damian Dark.

8: Forward

While the Defenders scramble to catch up with Amy, another battle occurs in the Netherworld.

Volume II

9: Unthinkable

Flash sets out to free Ming, who has vital information regarding an impending attack.

10: So Spoke April

Lothar and April move to counter an assassination attempt.

11: Defending The Earth

The team hurries to prevent LJ and Rick from carrying out an assault on another planet.

12: Defenders of Mongo

The Royal Five converge to counter a group of outlaws who've abducted Castra's husband.

13: Home

Despite Castra's objections, Hadea grows tempted to remain on Mongo and take over as queen.

14: Players and Pawns

Kshin and LJ suspect that Veena is planning to bring her father back.

15: Life

The Gordons arrive at Dale's grave.

16: Houses Divided and United

Castra and her relatives vie for the position of queen on Mongo.

Volume III

17: Firstborn

Dale reveals the identity of her first child.

18: Antiheroine

Veena uses her powers to help others.

19: Convergence

Flash gets a startling surprise while chasing Ming.

20: The Princess Makes Her Move

In Dimension K, Ming weds his ambitious stepdaughter Hadea.

21: Replacement

A visitor arrives from Dimension Y, intent on taking Dale back with her.

22: Relatives

Duffy attempts to bond with Dale, who learns of a portal to another dimension.

23: A Growing Ensemble

After arriving on Earth K, the duo find themselves captured by Queen Hadea, who tasks Dale with a mission.

24: Building A Bridge

Now a mother of four, Dale attempts to help ease tensions between April and Duffy.

25: The Gatemaster

Rick learns that Duffy might have another special ability.

 Volume IV

26: Vanity

After using her seer to avert a grim future, the Hadea of Earth K believes herself unbeatable.

27: Easier

April receives a visit from her aunt, Commander Abigail Gordon, who seeks her help on a mission.

28: I Know 

Amy confronts her mother Cathleen, who is attempting to conquer Earth P.

29: Assembly

On Earth C, Agent Kristina Graf seeks members for a new defense team.

30: Teammates

April and Duffy are approached by Kent Madden's daughter Clare, who claims to need their help.

31: Dreamers

Sheila reflects on her choices.

32: Parental Guidance Required

Duffy develops an unexpected bond.

33: Internal Affair

The Defenders are challenged inside Monitor.

34: Pre-emptive Measure

In response to the recent assault, Abby and Dale take action against Madden.

35: The Girl From Earth Y

Duffy begins acclimating to life on Earth B.

36: King and Queen

Krotan receives comfort from Jedda in the midst of a new matter.

37: Part of the Solution

Amy seeks to help an old friend.

38: Mother and Daughter

Hadea and Jedda bond on Earth H in the series finale.



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