Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Side Story
By James
Presented by Marzena
Rick spends a lot of time with Amy and her sick mother and has to think about Dale a lot.
Chapter 5: The Coming Storm
She ran frantically to the top of the cabin, her thin coat beginning to slow her down. She stopped upon reaching her mother's room. The door was open. The air was cold. The woman on the bed looked weak and pale. "May..." she whispered.
Her mother turned.
Amy walked over and knelt by her. "I came as soon as I got your call." She could feel her tears welling up already. This was the woman who'd shown her love. May was never frightened by Amy's 'gifts.'
"...Ames," she choked. "That wasn't me."
"What do you mean?" she asked with a squint. The voice on the phone sounded just like her.
"You have to run... They're after you."
"I..." She paused, glancing up — casting her gaze on the windowsill. She could hear the sound of a plane above.
Rick rushed over the dark-green field, swinging his gaze toward the graying clouds. A noise had caught his attention now.
He jerked in horror as a sight grew clear. A roboship had arrived on-scene. It was aiming straight at the wooden house.
"Ames!" he yelled, increasing his speed. He never should have let her get ahead of him. He pulled a device straight up to his mouth. "Amy!" he shouted. "Get out of there! Get- -"
The roboship fired two noisy blasts. Twin cutter missiles shot down on the home.
Seconds before either missile struck, a small burst appeared at the top of the house. A hole had been blown right into the roof — a hole that was made from inside of the home.
Like an eruption from the old volcano, Amy soared out of the opening, holding her mother within both arms.
The missiles hit. The house blew up.
Rick raised his hands, shielding himself.
A mass of smoke filled the area. The crackle of the fire was loud and bold.
Then he noticed Amy looking toward the plane. Even from a distance, her scowl was clear.
A little glow appeared underneath her bangs. The hovering ship started falling apart, ripped asunder by Amy's wrath. First went the wings, then came the engine, then the gray cockpit was ravaged to bits. Each of the pieces shattered on the ground. Rick stepped away from the mighty thuds.
The ship's lone pilot hovered in the air; Amy appeared to be holding him.
Garax ranted, shouting something, probably a series of vicious threats. Then he pulled a weapon from his sparkling side, pointing the blaster at the girl and her mom.
Amy glared, destroying the weapon, breaking it telekinetically.
Then she started sporting a new expression. She appeared cocky, more relaxed. She didn't seem threatened in the very least. Rick noticed something within her eyes — something much darker than he'd seen before.
Garax stiffened. His arms grew limp. Within a few seconds, his head went flying right off of his body, soaring much farther than Rick could see.
Rick's jaw dropped. He couldn't move. Garax's remains crashed onto the ground.
Amy and her mother touched down by Rick.
"You okay?" she asked of him.
He nodded slowly. "I'm fine," he said. She appeared to be more mellow now. It looked like the 'normal' Amy was back. "Are you all right?"
She glanced at her mom, who'd fallen asleep. "This wasn't a natural illness, Rick. They made her sick just to lure me here."
Rick placed a hand on the woman's head. "I think we've got to get her to Queen Hadea."
Scene Commentary
The woman on the bed looked weak and pale. "May..." she whispered.
I imagine that the "mother" Marzena referred to in the synopsis was Amy's birth mom, Cathleen. I just thought it'd be interesting to explore her bond with a foster mother whom she had a good relationship with.
Then she started sporting a new expression. She appeared cocky, more relaxed. She didn't seem threatened in the very least. Rick noticed something within her eyes — something much darker than he'd seen before.
The title of the chapter, of course, refers to the possibility of Amy developing a darker side, which is something that Marzena has presented in other synopses.
Volume I
As the New Rebellion rages across Mongo and Earth, Jedda and Krotan unite against Ming — and find themselves pursued by one of his ships.
2: Mongo Is Burning — Part 1
Desperate to end the battles, Krotan and Jedda, who have fallen in love, agree to a politically driven wedding — which Rick opposes.
3: Mongo Is Burning — Part 2
Despite growing opposition to the wedding, Jedda and Krotan remain firm in their decision.
Rick observes Amy venting, then ends up on a wild ride.
Amy visits her ailing foster mother, only to realize that she's fallen into a trap.
Rick and Amy take May to the Netherworld, where an invasion has begun.
Against the wishes of Rick and others, Amy makes a bargain with Damian Dark.
While the Defenders scramble to catch up with Amy, another battle occurs in the Netherworld.
Volume II
Flash sets out to free Ming, who has vital information regarding an impending attack.
Lothar and April move to counter an assassination attempt.
The team hurries to prevent LJ and Rick from carrying out an assault on another planet.
The Royal Five converge to counter a group of outlaws who've abducted Castra's husband.
Despite Castra's objections, Hadea grows tempted to remain on Mongo and take over as queen.
Kshin and LJ suspect that Veena is planning to bring her father back.
The Gordons arrive at Dale's grave.
Castra and her relatives vie for the position of queen on Mongo.
Volume III
Dale reveals the identity of her first child.
Veena uses her powers to help others.
Flash gets a startling surprise while chasing Ming.
20: The Princess Makes Her Move
In Dimension K, Ming weds his ambitious stepdaughter Hadea.
A visitor arrives from Dimension Y, intent on taking Dale back with her.
Duffy attempts to bond with Dale, who learns of a portal to another dimension.
After arriving on Earth K, the duo find themselves captured by Queen Hadea, who tasks Dale with a mission.
Now a mother of four, Dale attempts to help ease tensions between April and Duffy.
Rick learns that Duffy might have another special ability.
Volume IV
After using her seer to avert a grim future, the Hadea of Earth K believes herself unbeatable.
April receives a visit from her aunt, Commander Abigail Gordon, who seeks her help on a mission.
Amy confronts her mother Cathleen, who is attempting to conquer Earth P.
On Earth C, Agent Kristina Graf seeks members for a new defense team.
April and Duffy are approached by Kent Madden's daughter Clare, who claims to need their help.
Sheila reflects on her choices.
32: Parental Guidance Required
Duffy develops an unexpected bond.
The Defenders are challenged inside Monitor.
In response to the recent assault, Abby and Dale take action against Madden.
Duffy begins acclimating to life on Earth B.
Krotan receives comfort from Jedda in the midst of a new matter.
Amy seeks to help an old friend.
Hadea and Jedda bond on Earth H in the series finale.
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