
Defenders of the Earth: This Is Their Side Story

By James

Chapter 12: Defenders of Mongo 

The Imperial Palace of Mongo
1:39 pm

"I need your help," Castra said, watching the group with a shaken stare. Her eyes were wide and her hair was splayed. Beads of sweat glistened on her face.

Hadea couldn't stand seeing Castra scared. She didn't need to ask why she was, however. She'd gotten the news on the space-flight home. It seemed that her siblings had heard as well. Castra's husband was abducted by rebels — rebels still loyal to Ming's regime, who didn't want Castra to rule the world.

Castra had called all the royals here, back to the palace where the Five grew up, stating that they had an emergency.

Hadea reached out for her sister's hands, stroking them gently as she met her eyes. "Don't fear," she whispered. "We'll find your husband."

Castra looked calmer as their gazes locked. Hadea always had that effect on her. It'd been that way since childhood, when Castra was dreading abuse from Ming. Hadea was Castra's stepsister, but she had never labeled herself as such. Both she and Sheila were raised right here, right alongside the three other kids. The Five were siblings. End of story.

Then Castra stiffened, tensing again. She was staring right behind Hadea now.

Hadea turned and looked at a television. A news video had appeared on-screen: Castra's husband, Prince Tevrok, was kneeling in a room with his hands tied up. A group of green rebels were surrounding him. All wore the usual dark outfits.

One of the captors spoke toward the lens. "I repeat: we issue this warning to the Princess Castra — you have twenty minutes to abandon the throne. Make the announcement, or Tevrok dies." The feed went black. The newsroom returned. Reporters on-screen looked appalled and stunned.

Not as appalled as Castra, though. Hadea's little sister was a wide-eyed mess.

"T-Twenty minutes!" Castra said. "They're going to execute him twenty minutes from now!"

Aura stepped up and held Castra's shoulder, her long dress trailing on the marble floor. "Cas..." she uttered. "Settle down. You're no good to Tev wound up like this."

Hadea was glad someone else said that. She took a quick gander across the room. Krotan and Jedda stood at her side, both looking nervous as they watched the screen. Their daughter and son were asleep nearby. The couple wasn't sure how long they'd stay, which was why Christopher and Julie were here, according to what her brother relayed.

"Hold on," Sheila said as she eyed a computer, sitting in a corner several feet from them. She didn't sport the look of a royal at all. She was wearing jeans and a long blue shirt. "The news staff is tracking the source of that feed. They're sending it straight to my desktop now. I think I can get the coordinates."

Hadea touched her hip as she studied the woman. Sheila had become quite the brainy type, even brainier than she was as a girl. Living with the Gordons had sharpened her skills.

Flash was home healing from a recent battle. Sheila had flown to the planet alone.

"I think I've got it," Sheila said, squinting a little as she studied the text. Then she leaned back as the info arrived. "Wynbrook island." She glanced at the others. "That's where the rebels are holding Tev."

Everyone gathered around the screen, Krotan and Jedda on Sheila's left, Aura and Cas on their sister's right. Hadea looked on from a short distance.

"I'm pulling feeds up from the aerial drones."

Hadea saw various shots of the isle, a place full of houses and villages. Then she saw an isolated part of the mass. Ice robots were patrolling a coast. There seemed to be twenty or thirty of them. Behind the machines was a square building, sitting beneath several billowing trees.

Jedda leaned forth, her sundress swaying. "That's got to be the spot where they're holding him." Her voice was anxious as she shook a tad. The countdown had fallen to nineteen now.

Krotan straightened, making a fist. "An R-34 can fly there in time. Our fighter pilots will rescue Tev."

Cas straightened too. "I'll send them now!"

"Hold," Hadea uttered. "Think this through."

Krotan glared. "We haven't the luxury to think this through. It's not just about saving Tevrok's life. This is about keeping order and peace. If Tev is successfully executed, what kind of message does that send to the people? They'll think that we can't protect one of our own — and that tells the commoners that they aren't safe."

Hadea shook her head, turning to him. "I thought you'd become an adult, Krotan."

"What does that mean?" he asked with a scowl.

"I thought you'd learned the dangers of rash decisions."

Krotan stiffened, folding his arms. "Speak more clearly, sister dear."

"Everything you just declared is true — but that doesn't mean we should launch an attack. We need to consider the outcomes first."

"Hadea is right," Aura remarked, brushing back one of her lengthy locks. "If jets fly in and bombard that place, chances are they're going to take Tevrok out."

Jedda scowled a bit. "Can we speed by sea?"

"No," Aura murmured. "The ice robots have the shore secured."

Krotan's stare darted back and forth, watching the screen, then eyeing the others. "In that case..." He paused a moment. "We have to prepare for the worst to occur. There's a strong chance that they'll kill Tevrok." He frowned a little. "And if that happens...we need to keep the execution off TV. Someone has to stop the transmission signal."

"I agree," Aura replied. "We can't allow the killing to be seen by people."

Castra quivered, her face aghast. "Wait a second..." she said with awe. "We're not giving up on my husband here."

"I didn't say that we were giving up," Krotan countered. "But if they kill him- -"

"They're not going to!"

"If they do..." Krotan said, "we need to find a way to stop that from airing."

Hadea tapped a hand on her brother's shoulder. "Now you're thinking."

He turned to Sheila. "How are the rebels transmitting this? What is the source of that broadcast signal?"

She paused while searching. "It's coming from a tower not far from there."

"Then send the jets," Krotan said. "We'll blast that structure if necessary."

"It's..." She scowled. Then she sighed. "The tower is right in the heart of a village. We can't blow it up without hurting people."

Hadea made a squint while she watched the screen. The rebels had taken all sorts of precautions.

Sheila stood. "I've got an idea," she declared. "And no one disown me for saying so..." She lifted her palms just a little bit. "But I think we have to handle this Gordon style."

Except for Hadea's, everyone's jaw nearly hit the floor.

Sheila squirmed a tad, and made a tense chuckle.

Ten minutes later, Sheila hovered low above Wynbrook island, piloting an R-34 aircraft. She hung behind the building, over the waves, drawing the ice robots toward her. As they left the coast and took a new position, all of them fired upon her jet.

She whipped the controls, swinging the plane, expertly dodging the bevy of shots. Not bad, girl, she told herself. Flash would be proud. She licked her lips, preparing for more.

Amid another flurry of laser beams, she noticed a boat speeding toward the coast. Her little diversion got it there unfazed.

Just as discussed, Hadea remained at the vessel's controls. Krotan and the others hopped out on the sand. All of them were carrying laser arms.

Krotan tossed a sphere at the building's wall. A loud explosion rose into the air, granting the team access to the place. Krotan led Castra and Aura inside, Jedda following as she covered them, her back to the others while she swung her weapon.

Sheila tensed a bit as they left her sight. Be safe, she thought.

Several moments later, the group reemerged. Krotan was helping Tevrok walk out.

Hadea hurried all of them forth with an arm.

They boarded the boat, and sped away. Sheila turned and left seconds afterward.

"Thank you so much," Tevrok uttered, laying on a bed in the royal palace. "All of you."

Hadea was relieved that he was home. All of the others appeared to be too.

Castra was sitting close by his side, holding his hand as she smiled at him.

"We're family," Aura said, leaning on a wall as she watched the scene.

"Indeed we are." Jedda grinned, looking rather pleased to be standing here. "Indeed we are."






Volume I

1: Those Three Seconds

As the New Rebellion rages across Mongo and Earth, Jedda and Krotan unite against Ming  and find themselves pursued by one of his ships.  

2: Mongo Is Burning — Part 1

Desperate to end the battles, Krotan and Jedda, who have fallen in love, agree to a politically driven wedding — which Rick opposes.

3: Mongo Is Burning — Part 2

Despite growing opposition to the wedding, Jedda and Krotan remain firm in their decision.

4: Alive

Rick observes Amy venting, then ends up on a wild ride.

5: The Coming Storm

Amy visits her ailing foster mother, only to realize that she's fallen into a trap.

6: Crescendo

Rick and Amy take May to the Netherworld, where an invasion has begun.

7: About Our Arrangement

Against the wishes of Rick and others, Amy makes a bargain with Damian Dark.

8: Forward

While the Defenders scramble to catch up with Amy, another battle occurs in the Netherworld.

Volume II

9: Unthinkable

Flash sets out to free Ming, who has vital information regarding an impending attack.

10: So Spoke April

Lothar and April move to counter an assassination attempt.

11: Defending The Earth

The team hurries to prevent LJ and Rick from carrying out an assault on another planet.

12: Defenders of Mongo

The Royal Five converge to counter a group of outlaws who've abducted Castra's husband.

13: Home

Despite Castra's objections, Hadea grows tempted to remain on Mongo and take over as queen.

14: Players and Pawns

Kshin and LJ suspect that Veena is planning to bring her father back.

15: Life

The Gordons arrive at Dale's grave.

16: Houses Divided and United

Castra and her relatives vie for the position of queen on Mongo.

Volume III

17: Firstborn

Dale reveals the identity of her first child.

18: Antiheroine

Veena uses her powers to help others.

19: Convergence

Flash gets a startling surprise while chasing Ming.

20: The Princess Makes Her Move

In Dimension K, Ming weds his ambitious stepdaughter Hadea.

21: Replacement

A visitor arrives from Dimension Y, intent on taking Dale back with her.

22: Relatives

Duffy attempts to bond with Dale, who learns of a portal to another dimension.

23: A Growing Ensemble

After arriving on Earth K, the duo find themselves captured by Queen Hadea, who tasks Dale with a mission.

24: Building A Bridge

Now a mother of four, Dale attempts to help ease tensions between April and Duffy.

25: The Gatemaster

Rick learns that Duffy might have another special ability.

 Volume IV

26: Vanity

After using her seer to avert a grim future, the Hadea of Earth K believes herself unbeatable.

27: Easier

April receives a visit from her aunt, Commander Abigail Gordon, who seeks her help on a mission.

28: I Know 

Amy confronts her mother Cathleen, who is attempting to conquer Earth P.

29: Assembly

On Earth C, Agent Kristina Graf seeks members for a new defense team.

30: Teammates

April and Duffy are approached by Kent Madden's daughter Clare, who claims to need their help.

31: Dreamers

Sheila reflects on her choices.

32: Parental Guidance Required

Duffy develops an unexpected bond.

33: Internal Affair

The Defenders are challenged inside Monitor.

34: Pre-emptive Measure

In response to the recent assault, Abby and Dale take action against Madden.

35: The Girl From Earth Y

Duffy begins acclimating to life on Earth B.

36: King and Queen

Krotan receives comfort from Jedda in the midst of a new matter.

37: Part of the Solution

Amy seeks to help an old friend.

38: Mother and Daughter

Hadea and Jedda bond on Earth H in the series finale.




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