

By James

Chapter 31: Arrival

"We've known the Phantom for a long time." Rick eyed her in confusion. "He's never mentioned anything about having a second daughter."

Rachel stood calmly in the center of the room, hands hidden in the pockets of her long brown cloak. "He probably doesn't know. I don't imagine that Jade ever told him about me."

He squinted beside LJ as they looked her over.

"I apologize," she said, "but now isn't really the time to talk about the past. I'm here because something's about to happen in the imminent future." She slowly raised her arm in LJ's direction, opening her palm to reveal a small disc.

LJ hesitated, then took the device, inserting it into a nearby computer.

Rick was surprised by what appeared on-screen.

"Ice Station Earth. Ming's old fortress," she said. The screen's glow flashed across Rachel's steely eyes. "Government forces seized control of it several years ago. They're going to lose control of it in about 24 hours."

"What do you mean?" Rick asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"That fortress is filled with a bunch of dormant robots," Rachel said, "all of which were deactivated, but never destroyed."

LJ nodded. "The government figured that those machines could be of use someday."

Rachel shook her head at that, closing her eyes for a moment. "In any case, if my investigations are correct, that fortress is going to receive a signal from an alien satellite in the next 24 hours. That signal is going to activate those robots, which are then going to hit the streets and start killing people."

Rick and LJ swung their heads toward each other, then looked back at Rachel.

"Ming probably intended to use this as leverage," she said. "A get-out-of-jail-free card in the event of his capture on Earth. By the time the military heads out to stop those machines, we'll have a high number of casualties on our hands." Rachel stepped toward the screen. "Those robots have to be destroyed before they can leave their base — and preferably before they activate."

Rick frowned a tad. "Why did you bring this here?"

"No one at the agency would believe me." Her voice had lowered a little.

"What agency?"

Rachel stared, leaning her head to the side as she went quiet for a moment. "If you haven't already guessed, then I probably shouldn't tell you. Let's just say that it's not one of the better known ones."

Rick's eyes narrowed as his mind filled with possibilities.

"I'm heading to that fortress to stop those robots," she said, looking them over. "If my father's not here, then I have to ask both of you for your assistance instead."

LJ flinched. "Right now?"

Rachel glanced toward the hall that led outside. "I have a cruiser that can fly us there."

Rick's stare became deeply skeptical.

"I've also got weapons packed away, and I'm sure you do too."

"Listen," said Rick, shaking his head. "We can't just run off on a mission right now."

"Why not?"

"First of all, I think the Defenders need more time to investigate this." He quieted a moment. "And secondly, well...I've left the group. This was my last day. After tonight, I'm- -"

Rachel held a palm up. "Great. Can you, maybe, retire tomorrow? There are a lot of lives on the line, and I'm going to need your help in order to save them."

Rick and LJ exchanged glances again.

She continued. "If it turns out that I'm right about all of this, I'm resigning from the agency once this mission's over."

LJ frowned a little, and spoke softly. "Why?"

"I'm not working for people who aren't as serious about this sort of thing as I am."

The two Defenders watched her in curiosity.

She looked back at Rick, whipping her hair behind her shoulders. "So then. I'm resigning. You're resigning. LJ, what about you? Got any plans to settle down?"

He hesitated, then spread his arms. "I guess I could use a break."

"Cool." Rachel nodded. "After this mission, we can all go out and have a retirement party, on me." She took a step forward. "But right now, there's work to be done."

Silence hung over the trio for several moments.

"There are still some questions that need to be answered," Rick said, "especially if you're going to show up here claiming to be the Phantom's daughter."

Rachel returned her hands to her pockets and produced the smallest of smirks. "We make it back from this journey, you'll learn all that you need to know about me." She leaned forward a tad. "Keep in mind that I didn't say 'all that you want to know.' "

LJ placed his hands on his hips.

Rick stroked the top of his head.

"Do I have your support or not?"


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The cruiser touched down near the familiar station. Having not seen the base for a number of years, Rick had to pause in awe. Soon afterward, he, LJ, and Rachel began delving further into the area than he'd ever been before. Rachel's electronic tracker guided their way. A weapon dangled from her shoulder.

After passing through a number of caves, the trio paused upon reaching their destination — a huge, open area covered in sleet and frost. Nearly one hundred robots lined the walls, all of which stood dormant behind sheets of ice.

An alarm began blaring from one of Rachel's pockets. She pulled out a device and examined a timer.

"What's going on?" Rick asked.

Rachel held quiet, keeping her back turned and her face hidden. After a few seconds, she began eyeing LJ with a bold stare. "You can drop the pack."

LJ squinted. "Why?"

"Because we're not going to be able to plant the explosives. The signal is coming in under a minute."

Rick felt a chill stirring his spine as he glanced at the machines.

"We didn't make it in time."

Around 20 seconds later, Rick noticed one of Ming's robots beginning to move. Another followed suit, and another as well.

He and LJ readied their hand blasters.

The robots began smashing through their icy prisons. Each had a laser weapon attached to its right arm. According to research, their programming dictated that they kill any humans in sight. It didn't take long for them to spot their first targets.

Rick, Rachel, and LJ began backing toward a wall.

The machines converged near the center of the floor. 10 became 20, 20 became 40, and the numbers continued to steadily grow.

Rick swung his aim from one target to the next, while LJ found himself doing the same. And as the robots began taking aim themselves, he and his longtime partner turned to each other with awestruck stares.

Their companion came to a sudden halt, standing her ground before the horde.

He and LJ eyed her in stark confusion.

Rachel lifted the strap off of her shoulder, taking hold of a bazooka-sized weapon. After dropping into a low crouch, she quickly took aim at the cave's ceiling. Seconds later, a huge burst shot forth from her weapon.

Rick and LJ covered their heads while turning away.

The burst exploded along the roof, bringing a slew of huge icicles crashing to the ground.

The robots were bombarded by the onslaught of ice, losing arms and being crushed where they stood.

Rick, Rachel, and LJ scattered.

It didn't take long for the remaining machines to begin spreading out and coordinating an attack. It took even less time for LJ and Rick to assume familiar positions and retaliate.

As the sound of battle filled the air, Rachel dropped the bazooka and kept moving.

Rick and LJ worked back-to-back, dodging blasts and returning fire.

Rachel made a series of front flips while avoiding shots, then went into a slide along the icy floor. Whipping out a hand blaster of her own, she fired multiple blasts while coasting on her side, destroying each of her intended targets.

Now running, LJ and Rick dropped a number of machines amidst the melee. The seasoned partners ducked, dodged, and spun while firing.

LJ noticed something from the corner of his eye. "Rick! Look out!" Just as a laser was flying straight at his friend, LJ tackled Rick to the ground. While the two of them were momentarily stunned, a group of robots began closing in.

Rachel spotted LJ's pack behind the machines, and quickly fired a shot at it. A loud explosion ripped through the cave, destroying each of the robots that were still standing.

As the smoke cleared, Rick and his partners began stumbling toward each other.

"Rick," LJ said. "Rachel's hurt."

Rachel clutched her left arm. "I'll live, big guy."

Rick studied her wound, then glanced around the cave, allowing himself a brief sigh of relief. "Looks like we got all of them." He lowered his weapon. "It's over."

Rachel examined the area with steely eyes. "Not for me, it isn't."

He eyed her in confusion.

"This is only the start of my investigation. There are other robots, other bases." She lowered her hand and straightened herself. "And I've got to find and destroy those too."

Not long after returning from their mission, Rick and his two companions headed out to the nearest bar. A catchy beat played throughout the room. A series of rowdy cheers came and went on occasion.

Rachel walked to a table beside the wall, setting a group of bottles down as she took her seat. "Happy retirement, Rick. I hope things work out well for you and your little boy."

"Thanks," he muttered, managing a weak smile.

LJ looked him over for a few seconds. "What's the matter?"

"What do you mean?"

"You sound a little hesitant now."

His buddy knew him well. Before he could answer, Rick was interrupted by another burst of cheers and laughter.

The bar was filled with teenage soldiers who'd just graduated from an academy, several of whom talked openly about their plans for the future. Some of the soldiers intended to pursue careers in law enforcement. Others were hoping to find groups similar to the Defenders of the Earth.

Rachel took a long gulp, then leaned her head back and exhaled. "These kids are so full of energy. They still view the 'super-hero' business as fun and exciting."

"Maybe they've been inspired by people like you," Rick uttered. "You've got some skills."

Rachel shook her head. "I couldn't have succeeded back in Antarctica without your help." She turned to Rick, then to LJ. "I appreciate it."

LJ placed an elbow over the table. "So what happens now?"

"I continue my mission."

"Yeah, but, what about your father?"

Rick nodded. "Don't you want to see him?"

Rachel eyed the bottle in her hand with a solemn stare, watching the little bubbles as they floated about.

"Why haven't the two of you met before?" Rick asked.

"All you need to know," Rachel said, "is that I grew up apart from both of my parents, and I don't wish either of them any harm." She paused. "That's why it's probably for the best that he and I don't meet."

Rick frowned. "But- -"

"I'm coming back with you, though. I need that disc that I left in your computer. It contains some additional information related to my mission." She'd left it behind as a precaution, so that others could continue the mission if they'd failed to come back.

After returning to the base, the trio paused upon entering the central room. Rachel stood a short distance in front of LJ and Rick, both of whom noticed her fidget a little.

Sitting at the computers were Flash and the Phantom. Both swung their heads toward the youngsters.

"Well, well," said Flash. "Looks like we've finally got some new company."

Rachel turned away for a moment, then slowly swung her gaze back to the Phantom.

Flash stood, glancing at LJ and Rick. "Aren't you going to introduce us?"

The Phantom rose as well. Before long, he began to grow curious as to why the young woman seemed to be eyeing him so closely.

LJ and Rick both felt their skin tingle.

Rachel closed her eyes, then slowly opened them again. After taking a deep breath, she began stepping forward. "My name is Rachel." She moved her stare to the Phantom once more. "And I'm afraid that you and I have a lot to talk about."

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Rachel returned her hands to her pockets and produced the smallest of smirks. "We make it back from this journey, you'll learn all that you need to know about me." She leaned forward a tad. "Keep in mind that I didn't say 'all that you want to know.' "

As the previous chapter was the 30th, I wanted something quite notable to take place. After a bit of hesitation, I ultimately decided to introduce this story line. Unlike the arrival of Sandi back in chapter 15, this time we meet a true heroine.






Volume I

1: Reign

Shorly after Jedda leaves the team, Queen Hadea begins a galactic conquest. 

2: Homecoming 

Jedda finds herself back on Mongo  and reunited with Prince Krotan.

3: Destiny 

Despite their affection, Jedda endeavors to counter Hadea's plans.

4: Succession

Seeking to resolve the matter with Hadea, the Defenders begin a climactic mission on Mongo.

5: Epilogue I

Rick enjoys a meaningful reunion.

Volume II

6: Love

Jedda and Krotan confront their feelings.

7: Hate

Against the wishes of his wife, Krotan grows tempted to pursue a vendetta.

8: Sweethearts

Rick has a difficult time moving on.

9: Redemption

In the wake of Krotan's actions, Jedda faces a difficult choice.

10: Longing

Hadea reunites with an old acquaintance.

11: Family

The Royals of Mongo organize what's supposed to be a friendly feast.

12: Epilogue II

A glimpse into the future on Mongo.

Volume III

13: Date

Instead of spending a romantic evening together, as Jedda intended, Hadea and Phantom find themselves pursued.

14: Trust

Amid their exploits, Phantom and Hadea discuss personal matters.

15: Forward

Flash visits Ming's prison while thinking of Dale, and Rick learns that a new girl will be joining the team.

16: Power

A vengeful woman targets Jedda.

17: Ambition

The Defenders face an internal crisis.

18: Steps

Will she choose affection or ambition?

19: Epilogue III

Needing to depart Mongo on business, Jedda and Krotan ask Hadea and Phantom to fill in for them temporarily.

Volume IV

20: Discipline

As the enormity of his situation sinks in, an anxious Rick finds unexpected comfort.

21: Maturity

Hadea continues to counsel Rick by reminding him that his actions have consequences.

22: Engagement

Phantom and Hadea are advised to marry.

23: Proposal

The acting rulers face a variety of issues on their big day.

24: Epilogue IV

The Defenders consider returning to solo work.

Volume V

25: Lovers

Krotan and Jedda try to find time for their marriage while tending to duty.

26: Mothers

Someone from Jedda's past returns.

27: Daughters

Krotan and the guards attempt to defend the kingdom without Jedda.

28: Fathers

Krotan and Ming have another confrontation under different circumstances.

29: Sons

Flash and Rick have a personal discussion.

30: Epilogue V

As Rick prepares to leave the team, he and LJ receive a surprise visit.

Volume VI

31: Arrival

The new trio embarks on a mission.

32: Fractured

The Phantom is left startled by the recent development.

33: Reconstruction

After spending a couple of days with Jedda, Rachel departs for the tme being.

34: Intermission

In the future, Vera receives advice and comfort from her mother.

35: Reflection

Jedda reflects on the recent years.

36: Nobility

In the aftermath of an attack on her land, Hadea seeks help from a mercenary.

37: Epilogue VI

Flash is stunned by his discovery on a distant planet.

Volume VII

38: Empress

Hadea makes an announcement that leaves the Phantom unsettled.

39: Mate

The Phantom works to undo his mistakes.

40: Bonding

In the future, the Royals of Mongo enjoy quality time together.

41: Queen

Rachel assists LJ and Hadea in very different ways.

42: Learning

Rachel adjusts to her new position awkwardly.

43: Epilogue VII

With Rachel and Jedda at her side, Hadea learns more about the history of her kingdom.

Volume VIII

44: Opposites

The Phantom plans to propose.

45: Balance

Hadea and the Phantom attempt to work through their issues.

46: Resignation

Rachel visits Hadea to discuss new intentions.

47: Heroes

The Defenders confront a group of aliens who have descended on Earth, while Ming continues to scheme behind the scenes.

48: Nemesis

Flash, Rick, and Krotan engage Ming in battle.

49: Reunion

Jade reunites briefly with her daughters.

50: Epilogue VIII

A special occasion has finally arrived.

Volume IX

51: Eternity 

Rick has a meeting with Zyna that leaves him staggered.

52: Return

Flash and Rick travel to another planet to investigate news.

53: Plans

Dale begins to set her agenda in motion.

54: Talk

The Royals of Mongo have a lengthy discussion about the past and future.

55: Action

Dale takes bold steps forward.

56: Downfall

Flash and Rick confront Dale to discuss her actions.

57: Epilogue IX

Empress Hadea appoints new queens.

Volume X

58: Team

In the future, the royals have a discussion about politics on Mongo.

59: Resolution

LJ and Lothar discuss family affairs.

60: Aspiration

Jedda views her official government profile to learn where she ranks among Mongoian queens.

61: Peace

Castra and Aura look to put their differences aside.

62: Epilogue X

The Phantom learns more about Hadea's duties.

Volume XI

63: Expedition

The Phantom, Hadea, and Rachel depart for a mission in the Bandar village.

64: Excursion

Rachel heads off to find Kurt on her own.

65: Circle

Dale provides answers for Rachel.

66: Hope

Jade observes a significant discussion beween Phantom and Kurt.

67: Epilogue XI

Phantom learns that the village mission affected Hadea on a personal level.

Volume XII

68: Partners

Jedda and Krotan renew their commitment.

69: Massage

Krotan pampers Jedda as they discuss the future.

70: Journey

Nearly everyone joins the Phantom for a mission via boat.

71: Skirmish

The group arrives on Raven Island and learns the identity of the opposing team's leader.

72: Unity

Flash, Dale, and Rick spend time with Flash's sister, Commander Abigail Gordon, and her daughter Sara.

73: Duo

Rick and Kristina head off on a late-night mission.

74: Faith

Kristina, Rick, and Hadea confront their personal matters. 

75: Epilogue XII

Once again, someone lands on Mandrake's yard during a storm.

Volume XIII

76: Revelation

A woman arrives in the Netherworld, claiming to be the rightful ruler.

77: Home

LJ, Rick, and Rachel investigate the Netherworld matter.

78: Generations

Flash and Dale's date is interrupted by news that Rick has been captured, and it's up to Kristina to save him.

79: Defenders

While grouped together one night, several people must team up suddenly in order to defend the mansion.

80: Epilogue XIII

Atascadero discusses her upbringing with Mandrake.

Volume XIV

81: Found

Soldiers from Atascadero's kingdom come looking for her.

82: Homeland

Ata heads to her kingdom to resolve the issues there.

83: Together

Vera begins learning more about Jedda's past.

84: Privacy

In response to the recent events, Hadea makes a controversial decision.

85: Triangle

Rick attempts to resolve a certain personal issue.

86: Relationships

Rick and his girlfriend decide to go their separate ways.

87: Distant

Flash, Dale, and Rick reunite with Dale's father, as well as Flash's.

88: Strike

Jonathan Gordon becomes overzealous, leading to repercussions.

89: Encore

Flash and Dale chase Ming down.

90: Epilogue XIV

Kristina bonds with Rick in the aftermath of the events at the base.

Volume XV

91: Parenthood

In the future, Jedda and Krotan have to teach Vera the value of humility.

92: Suitors

In the future, Vera is courted by several boys.

93: Vacation

Rick and Kristina become stranded on an island.

94: Faithful

Hadea is approached by an old suitor.

95: Paradise

Kristina and Rick grow closer while stuck on the island.

96: Lovebirds

Ata and Mandrake discuss their relationship.

97: Commitment

Castra and her husband have a talk about their longtime commitment.

98: Bond

Krotan and Jedda discuss the past, and look to the future.

99: Always

Flash and Dale reaffirm their feelings.

100: Epilogue XV

The series finale.



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