

By James

Chapter 71: Skirmish

The crew stepped on the island and grouped up in a circle. Storm clouds gathered high above their heads, and nearby waves splashed across the sand.

Mandrake was impressed by the exotic location. Raven Island was composed of tall thin trees and steep brown hills. Far from the shore, a series of bulky laser cannons could be seen on the slopes. Each of the weapons had been left unmanned.

Flash took in the sights, then looked back at the others. "I don't know where our 'hosts' might be, but I'm willing to bet we won't go unnoticed for long. We need to formulate a plan quickly."

Krotan took a step forward, his cape fluttering in the wind. "I think we need to find a way of identifying our opponents."

"And I agree," Hadea replied, arms resting casually across her chest.

Krotan nodded at the Phantom. "If we're facing a particularly large group, then perhaps Mandrake could lure them out with an illusion, while the rest of us take positions and prepare to strike."

Mandrake stroked his chin and flashed a small smile. "A kingly strategy indeed, young chap."

"And if our opponents possesses powers of some sort," Krotan continued, "then maybe we should let Jedda engage them first."

Jedda brushed her hair back, the tiara sparkling as she glanced about.

Kshin hesitated, then raised a hand shyly.

"Go ahead," said Flash. "We're not in a classroom here."

The youngest Defender chuckled. "I was just going to say that since me and Rachel are pretty nimble, maybe we could climb the trees and do some scouting."

Lothar shook his head. "That could put you at risk of being fired upon, friend."

"That's true," said LJ. "It's probably best to have Mandrake put some illusionary Defenders in the treetops first."

Kurt stepped forth. "Since we're 'not in a classroom here,' I guess I'll just chime in. How about I take a few weapons and lead a small group into the forest? The rest of you can follow in about half an hour."

Dale's hands were shoved into her back pockets, and her leather jacket wavered in the breeze. "We said we're not moving until we know who we're up against, Kurt. Pay attention."

Kurt scowled at her, then turned away.

Rachel tucked her arms into her cape and looked at the ground. "Let's go over the list one more time. The list of the Phantom's enemies, I mean. Because by now, I think we all have a good idea of who the culprits are."

"Who do you mean?" Kshin asked.

"We're obviously in the middle of something nasty and personal here. Maybe something that's been brewing for a long time?" She looked over at the Phantom.

He closed his eyes for a moment, sensing where Rachel was going.

"There are a lot of dynasties out there, which means there are a few rivalries as well," said Rachel. "It isn't just the Gordons and the royals of Mongo who are...were...enemies."

Rick threw an awkward glance over at Jedda and Krotan.

Jedda shyly looked aside.

"The Walkers are engaged in a family feud too." Rachel turned back to the Phantom. "Do you think it could be Graf who's behind all this?"

The Phantom placed his hands on his hips and eyed the sand.

Flash sighed. "That sounds pretty likely to me."

"And it sounds rather likely to me as well," Dale added.

Rick and others turned to her in surprise, curious as to how she knew about Graf.

"I'm not quite certain," the Phantom murmured. "The group on this island seems rather powerful. The current Sky Band seems rather weak. The last time I faced them, they were so desperate for help that they had to recruit men. I fought a few of those recruits myself."

Hadea brushed one of her golden locks aside. "I suppose their strength has grown since then," she said, recalling her previous adventure with the Phantom on his ship.

"But why not send a team after me, like before? Why would they want to lure me here?"

Kshin shrugged. "Probably because you live in the Netherworld now. Maybe that's beyond their reach."

LJ folded his arms. "So we all agree that we're likely up against the Sky Band?"

Kurt nodded. "Which means that we're probably up against Kristina Graf."

"We've established that already, Kurt," Dale said. "Again, pay attention."

He glared.

Flash looked over at the Phantom. "How exactly did this new Sky Band come about again?"

The Phantom eyed the clouds. "The previous group crumbled while Graf was in jail. After her release, she teamed up with someone who gave her new aircrafts, new supplies."

"Wait a minute," Jedda said, eyeing the horizon with a frown. "I think I've seen cannons like those on Mongo. I saw them during our last tour."

Krotan scowled. "As did I."

The queen and king turned to each other in confusion.

After a few seconds, Dale grew curious about something. "Is the new Sky Band strictly composed of women?"

Kurt looked aside while adjusting his collar. "We've been through that already, Dale. Pay attention."

Dale rolled her eyes.

"Kit," said Mandrake. "What does this new Sky Band look like?"

"They wear full-bodied, dark outfits, complete with masks."

Kshin shrugged. "You mean like those guys over there?"

Everyone turned, seeing a small horde of uniformed men and women rushing down a hill.

As a slew of lasers began flying toward the group, the Defenders and their allies took cover behind trees. Several of the combatants among them drew their weapons and returned fire.

Amidst the melee, Flash noticed a few of the enemies heading for the cannons. "Jedda! We can't let them use those weapons against us!"

Jedda calmly stepped out into the open. A series of shots bounced off of her force field. Summoning a wave of telekinesis, she easily hurled the Sky Band soldiers away from the cannons.

Upon seeing that they were up against the Queen of Mongo, several of the other Sky Band members sought cover themselves.

"Kit!" Flash yelled amidst a slew of shots. "Head for the cave!"

The Phantom and Hadea broke away from the others, running on their own for several minutes.

The pair stopped upon reaching a thick forest, which stood before a tall, rocky hill. The new Skull Cave was waiting at the top.

"Don't follow me," said the Phantom, easily speeding through the trees and up the slope.

As her husband began to distance himself, Hadea swatted a number of branches aside, slowly making her way from one spot to the next.

Down on the battlegrounds, an unmistakable sound began to catch everyone's attention.

Flash glanced over his shoulder at Dale. "Do you hear that?" he asked, throwing his gaze to the sky.

Dale narrowed her eyes, casting her suspicious stare upward.

A small blue jet was tearing through the air and speeding toward the island.

Mandrake and others paused a moment to stare.

The plane circled high above everyone's heads, then swung low and fired a barrage of lasers toward a cannon. A small explosion followed, blowing a number of Sky Band soldiers into the air.

One of the enemies reached another cannon and returned fire. The pilot avoided the blast with a slick twist and turn, then swooped down and took aim again. As the Sky Band soldier fled, his cannon was destroyed.

Dale eyed the jet with a steady stare. "There's no mistaking that flying style," she murmured. "There's a Gordon in that plane."

A confused Flash began looking around for Rick. After seeing that his son was still on the ground, he cast his perplexed gaze toward the plane once more.

"And I think I know which one," said Dale.

The Phantom ran straight into the eerie cave, which was brightly lit by a series of torches. He paused upon spotting someone facing away from him.

She was donned in a familiar uniform of blue and gray, and her blonde hair fluttered as she turned around. "We meet again," said Kristina Graf.

Castra entered Aura's throne room and took a seat beside her sister. "What did you want to discuss?"

Aura hesitated, then took a deep breath. "There's a secret that I've never told anyone in our family. But I need to share it with someone now."

Castra studied her sister in fascination. She felt strangely touched that Aura had chosen her.

Aura looked down at her stomach and mumbled. "I'm about to become a mother — but not for the first time." She recalled a distant memory from her teenage years. "The day I fled from our father's palace...my heart was filled with a great deal of guilt."

Castra didn't have to ask Aura why that was, because she herself had experienced the very same thing. When both sisters had left the palace, they'd also left their little brother unprotected from Ming.

Aura's eyes were lingering on a wall now. "Shortly after I departed our home, I met a stray child around Krotan's age — and I made it my duty to take care of her. When I grew up and became queen of the Kingdom of Lilis, I formally adopted this girl." Aura paused, then turned to her sister. "That girl is now a woman, and she remains a part of my life. Her name is- -"


Aura flinched in surprise.

"I've known about her for quite a while," Castra admitted. "She and I have something in common: Ming led both of us to believe that one of our loved ones was dead, and that Flash was responsible."

Aura looked away with a scowl. She deeply resented Ming for having put Astra through that. Back then, almost everyone believed that Aura had died in an explosion set by Ming himself. It was only a few months afterward, when Aura had deemed it safe, that she'd been able to resurface, and reunite with Astra.

"I've never mentioned Astra, because I wanted to respect your privacy," said Castra. "Why are we discussing her now?"

"Because of what I've learned," Aura murmured. "She's involved in something dangerous, and I believe that I'm going to need help in order to save her."

Kristina pulled a hand blaster and pointed it at the Phantom.

"I was hoping that your stay in prison would change you for the better, Kristina. I'm disappointed to see that it hasn't," he said.

"But I have changed, Phantom. I've become a lot smarter." Kristina smirked. "That's why I didn't send anyone to kill you this time. I can see now that death would be far too simple. I want you to face a harsher punishment than that."

"Because of what my grandfather did to your grandmother?"

"Because of what you did to me." Her face hardened into a scowl. "Locking me up brought the Sky Band to the brink of ruin. You took everything from me, so I'm going to take everything from you..." She aimed her weapon behind the Phantom, pointing at the woman who'd just arrived in the cave. "I'm a pirate. Pirates take treasure. And fortunately for me, you happened to bring your greatest treasure along for this trip."

The Phantom tensed. Without looking, he stepped before Hadea and spread his arms. "I told you not to follow me," he growled.

"I had to," Hadea whispered.

Kristina grinned. "It's no use playing shield, Phantom. I'll just wound you and then shoot your wife."

Suddenly, Kurt appeared behind Hadea and the Phantom, pointing a blaster at their enemy. "Go ahead, Graf," he said. "Shoot Hadea, like you shot your mother."

Kristina shivered, and a wave of fright overtook her face.

The Phantom began slowly stepping aside, keeping Hadea behind him as he moved.

"That's right," Kurt continued, "we know the story. We know all about what happened when you got out of prison."

The Phantom lifted a hand toward his brother. "Kurt..."

"Your mother got your sentence shortened," said Kurt. "And your way of thanking her was to blow a hole through her chest."

"Shut up!" Kristina said, swinging her weapon toward him.

"Or was it her head? I don't know the exact details."

Kristina steadied her finger on the trigger. Her eyes darkened and her voice deepened. "Why don't I just show you right now, Kurt?"

The Phantom stepped forward, eyeing the woman before him. "There's been enough violence. We can all agree on that. There's no reason for us to fight each other anymore. This family feud died while you were in prison, Kristina — and the Sky Band died right along with it. Your problem is that you couldn't let all of this stay dead."

Her lips began to fidget.

"Your mother paid the price for that."

Kristina closed her eyes a moment, thinking back to the period right after her release from jail.

Several Years Ago

Kristina paced about in her mother's living room, clutching a phone to the side of her head. After a few minutes, she hurled the device to the floor in frustration.

As the phone shattered, Kristina's mother stepped forth while eyeing one of the pieces. "What are you doing?" she asked, brushing back a lock of her long blonde hair.

Kristina scowled, her face growing red. "Right now, Mother, I'm trying my best not to strangle you."

The elder woman wore a smug stare as she lifted an eyebrow.

"I didn't want to believe it, but it's just been confirmed: The Sky Band crumbled while I was locked away — and you helped the authorities make that happen."

The woman nodded, showing no sign of shame. "I did," she acknowledged.

"You're a traitor!" Kristina said. "You've disgraced me, and you've disgraced our dynasty."

"You can't disgrace something that was never honorable, girl. Ours isn't a dynasty of greatness, it's a dynasty of madness. That's why I never joined the Sky Band myself, and it's why I never wanted you to join it either."

Kristina seethed, tightening her fists.

"But you wouldn't listen to me, would you? You went and carried on my mother's legacy, and that decision led you straight where I said it would: prison."

Kristina took a deep breath, then slowly pointed at her mother. "I'm going to rebuild the Sky Band, no matter how long it takes."

"The Sky Band is finished. It can't be rebuilt."

"I have a friend in high places, someone who can help." Kristina turned around, searching for a means to contact her ally. Seconds later, she heard the click of a hand blaster as the safety was switched off.

"I can't allow you to go down this road again. I'll wound you, frame you, and send you back to prison first. I lost your grandmother to all of this madness. I'm not losing you as well."

"Mother..." Kristina said, pausing where she stood. "I..." Kristina flung a heavy book across the room.

The elder woman dodged the projectile, then found herself in a struggle.

Kristina gritted her teeth while trying to wrest the weapon away.

10 seconds later, a shot went off, and blood soaked the floor.

As she looked down at her fallen opponent, Kristina's knees shook, and her eyes widened. "Mother?"

The Present

"The paramedics found your mother bleeding on that floor," said the Phantom. "Afterward, you disappeared and rebuilt the Sky Band little by little, with the aid of your partner."

Kristina shuddered while avoiding the Phantom's gaze.

"Your mother's been hospitalized and unconscious ever since that day." The Phantom took a cautious step forward. "I think you've kept the Sky Band going out of a sense of guilt, Kristina. You need to believe that you didn't shoot your mother for no reason. You need to feel as though all of this has been worthwhile."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "And people call me twisted."

With a small scream, Kristina began unleashing a barrage of shots.

The brothers and Hadea dropped to the ground. As Kristina fled through the cave's opening, Kurt rolled onto his side and began firing after her.

Running out into the open, Kristina felt a blast of fresh air wash over her face. In only a few seconds, she noticed thick waves of smoke rising into the air. Upon following their trails down to the ground, her jaw dropped as she saw that her cannons were destroyed.

Then she looked upward again, and spotted a blue jet flying about.

As Kristina began running for a nearby plane, the jet swung downward and fired behind her. A small explosion threw her into the air, her arms flapping wildly as she sailed about. She landed with a grunt, fidgeting where she lay.

Moments later, LJ and Kshin were standing over her. "Don't move," said the elder Defender, watching as Kshin secured her weapon.

Kristina growled, pounding her fists against the ground.

The Phantom exited the cave along with Hadea and Kurt, seeing that the Defenders had brought the battle to an end.

Flash turned to Rick. "You okay?"

"I'm fine," he replied, receiving a concerned stare from his mother as well. "You all right, Mom?"

Dale nodded, brushing a hand along his face.

Elsewhere, Krotan rushed forth and took Jedda into his arms, studying her with a proud smile.

"Rick," Flash continued, "contact the authorities and report that the skies are clear. They can come and arrest these bozos now."

"Will do," he replied, pulling out a special phone.

As the blue jet began to land, Dale eyed it with a suspicious stare. Then she swung her gaze over to Flash.

Flash nodded, and the two began approaching the plane.

The pilot stepped out in a gray flight suit. Her face was concealed by dark headgear. She paused upon spotting Dale and Flash, then leaned forward and removed her helmet. The girl threw her head back with a calm smile, her long blonde locks gliding through the air.

Rick paused on the phone, eyeing her in surprise.

She waved at him, then looked back at his parents.

Dale folded her arms, appearing less than amused, while Flash was wearing the same expression.

Sara "Ace" Gordon slung her helmet over her shoulder. "Uncle Flash. Aunt Dale," the teen girl uttered. "No lectures today please. I've heard them all before. I'm 'too young.' I'm 'too green.' Instead of going through all of that, let's just skip to the part where I tell you why I'm here. I actually came on behalf of Queen G herself."

Flash looked surprised. "Your mother sent you?"

"Well, she officially sent someone else. But I kind of took the jet before he could use it."

Dale glanced at Flash, rolling her eyes a bit. Then she turned back to Sara, suppressing a giggle.

Sara paused a moment to study Dale with affection. This was only the fourth time they'd seen each other since Dale's return. Then she turned to her left, and saw someone else approaching. "Rachel Walker?" Sara's eyes lit up.

Rachel paused in confusion, nodding her head slowly as she looked the girl over.

"Oh my goodness," Sara said, wrapping her arms around Rachel. "I'm one of your biggest fans. My agency has been trying to recruit you for a while."

Rachel hesitated, then grinned and quietly hugged Sara back.

After releasing Rachel and studying her aunt a bit more, Sara straightened herself and addressed Flash and Dale once again. "If this mission with the Walkers is all done now, I'm going to need you to come back with me to COE headquarters." She narrowed her eyes. "We've got a Gordon matter to attend to."






Volume I

1: Reign

Shorly after Jedda leaves the team, Queen Hadea begins a galactic conquest. 

2: Homecoming 

Jedda finds herself back on Mongo  and reunited with Prince Krotan.

3: Destiny 

Despite their affection, Jedda endeavors to counter Hadea's plans.

4: Succession

Seeking to resolve the matter with Hadea, the Defenders begin a climactic mission on Mongo.

5: Epilogue I

Rick enjoys a meaningful reunion.

Volume II

6: Love

Jedda and Krotan confront their feelings.

7: Hate

Against the wishes of his wife, Krotan grows tempted to pursue a vendetta.

8: Sweethearts

Rick has a difficult time moving on.

9: Redemption

In the wake of Krotan's actions, Jedda faces a difficult choice.

10: Longing

Hadea reunites with an old acquaintance.

11: Family

The Royals of Mongo organize what's supposed to be a friendly feast.

12: Epilogue II

A glimpse into the future on Mongo.

Volume III

13: Date

Instead of spending a romantic evening together, as Jedda intended, Hadea and Phantom find themselves pursued.

14: Trust

Amid their exploits, Phantom and Hadea discuss personal matters.

15: Forward

Flash visits Ming's prison while thinking of Dale, and Rick learns that a new girl will be joining the team.

16: Power

A vengeful woman targets Jedda.

17: Ambition

The Defenders face an internal crisis.

18: Steps

Will she choose affection or ambition?

19: Epilogue III

Needing to depart Mongo on business, Jedda and Krotan ask Hadea and Phantom to fill in for them temporarily.

Volume IV

20: Discipline

As the enormity of his situation sinks in, an anxious Rick finds unexpected comfort.

21: Maturity

Hadea continues to counsel Rick by reminding him that his actions have consequences.

22: Engagement

Phantom and Hadea are advised to marry.

23: Proposal

The acting rulers face a variety of issues on their big day.

24: Epilogue IV

The Defenders consider returning to solo work.

Volume V

25: Lovers

Krotan and Jedda try to find time for their marriage while tending to duty.

26: Mothers

Someone from Jedda's past returns.

27: Daughters

Krotan and the guards attempt to defend the kingdom without Jedda.

28: Fathers

Krotan and Ming have another confrontation under different circumstances.

29: Sons

Flash and Rick have a personal discussion.

30: Epilogue V

As Rick prepares to leave the team, he and LJ receive a surprise visit.

Volume VI

31: Arrival

The new trio embarks on a mission.

32: Fractured

The Phantom is left startled by the recent development.

33: Reconstruction

After spending a couple of days with Jedda, Rachel departs for the tme being.

34: Intermission

In the future, Vera receives advice and comfort from her mother.

35: Reflection

Jedda reflects on the recent years.

36: Nobility

In the aftermath of an attack on her land, Hadea seeks help from a mercenary.

37: Epilogue VI

Flash is stunned by his discovery on a distant planet.

Volume VII

38: Empress

Hadea makes an announcement that leaves the Phantom unsettled.

39: Mate

The Phantom works to undo his mistakes.

40: Bonding

In the future, the Royals of Mongo enjoy quality time together.

41: Queen

Rachel assists LJ and Hadea in very different ways.

42: Learning

Rachel adjusts to her new position awkwardly.

43: Epilogue VII

With Rachel and Jedda at her side, Hadea learns more about the history of her kingdom.

Volume VIII

44: Opposites

The Phantom plans to propose.

45: Balance

Hadea and the Phantom attempt to work through their issues.

46: Resignation

Rachel visits Hadea to discuss new intentions.

47: Heroes

The Defenders confront a group of aliens who have descended on Earth, while Ming continues to scheme behind the scenes.

48: Nemesis

Flash, Rick, and Krotan engage Ming in battle.

49: Reunion

Jade reunites briefly with her daughters.

50: Epilogue VIII

A special occasion has finally arrived.

Volume IX

51: Eternity 

Rick has a meeting with Zyna that leaves him staggered.

52: Return

Flash and Rick travel to another planet to investigate news.

53: Plans

Dale begins to set her agenda in motion.

54: Talk

The Royals of Mongo have a lengthy discussion about the past and future.

55: Action

Dale takes bold steps forward.

56: Downfall

Flash and Rick confront Dale to discuss her actions.

57: Epilogue IX

Empress Hadea appoints new queens.

Volume X

58: Team

In the future, the royals have a discussion about politics on Mongo.

59: Resolution

LJ and Lothar discuss family affairs.

60: Aspiration

Jedda views her official government profile to learn where she ranks among Mongoian queens.

61: Peace

Castra and Aura look to put their differences aside.

62: Epilogue X

The Phantom learns more about Hadea's duties.

Volume XI

63: Expedition

The Phantom, Hadea, and Rachel depart for a mission in the Bandar village.

64: Excursion

Rachel heads off to find Kurt on her own.

65: Circle

Dale provides answers for Rachel.

66: Hope

Jade observes a significant discussion beween Phantom and Kurt.

67: Epilogue XI

Phantom learns that the village mission affected Hadea on a personal level.

Volume XII

68: Partners

Jedda and Krotan renew their commitment.

69: Massage

Krotan pampers Jedda as they discuss the future.

70: Journey

Nearly everyone joins the Phantom for a mission via boat.

71: Skirmish

The group arrives on Raven Island and learns the identity of the opposing team's leader.

72: Unity

Flash, Dale, and Rick spend time with Flash's sister, Commander Abigail Gordon, and her daughter Sara.

73: Duo

Rick and Kristina head off on a late-night mission.

74: Faith

Kristina, Rick, and Hadea confront their personal matters. 

75: Epilogue XII

Once again, someone lands on Mandrake's yard during a storm.

Volume XIII

76: Revelation

A woman arrives in the Netherworld, claiming to be the rightful ruler.

77: Home

LJ, Rick, and Rachel investigate the Netherworld matter.

78: Generations

Flash and Dale's date is interrupted by news that Rick has been captured, and it's up to Kristina to save him.

79: Defenders

While grouped together one night, several people must team up suddenly in order to defend the mansion.

80: Epilogue XIII

Atascadero discusses her upbringing with Mandrake.

Volume XIV

81: Found

Soldiers from Atascadero's kingdom come looking for her.

82: Homeland

Ata heads to her kingdom to resolve the issues there.

83: Together

Vera begins learning more about Jedda's past.

84: Privacy

In response to the recent events, Hadea makes a controversial decision.

85: Triangle

Rick attempts to resolve a certain personal issue.

86: Relationships

Rick and his girlfriend decide to go their separate ways.

87: Distant

Flash, Dale, and Rick reunite with Dale's father, as well as Flash's.

88: Strike

Jonathan Gordon becomes overzealous, leading to repercussions.

89: Encore

Flash and Dale chase Ming down.

90: Epilogue XIV

Kristina bonds with Rick in the aftermath of the events at the base.

Volume XV

91: Parenthood

In the future, Jedda and Krotan have to teach Vera the value of humility.

92: Suitors

In the future, Vera is courted by several boys.

93: Vacation

Rick and Kristina become stranded on an island.

94: Faithful

Hadea is approached by an old suitor.

95: Paradise

Kristina and Rick grow closer while stuck on the island.

96: Lovebirds

Ata and Mandrake discuss their relationship.

97: Commitment

Castra and her husband have a talk about their longtime commitment.

98: Bond

Krotan and Jedda discuss the past, and look to the future.

99: Always

Flash and Dale reaffirm their feelings.

100: Epilogue XV

The series finale.



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